Mission Statement
Preparing Students for the Future.
Vision Statement
In partnership with the community, the Ririe School District #252 will provide high-quality educational opportunities designed to enable every student to gain knowledge and skills, develop confidence, value lifelong learning, and become responsible, contributing members of our changing world.
District Email Signup List
Would you like to receive information directly from the Ririe School District regarding district news, information, activities, athletics, and more? Sign up for the Ririe School District email list by clicking HERE.
Have a Question?
Heard a rumor? Need clarification? Get the answers directly from the source at the School District by emailing Superintendent Jeff Gee by clicking HERE or by calling 208-538-7482.
Fill out an application - (Applications are available on the District website, click here, or you can pick one up at the District Office located @ 13809 N 130 E Ririe, ID 83433.
Return completed application (and additional documents if applicable) to Kristi Hamilton @ khamilton@ririe252.org
Interview with an Administrator - (you will be called to set up an interview after your application is received)
If accepted, complete the fingerprinting and paperwork process - (visit Sharla Harris in the District Office after your interview for your fingerprint packet and instructions)
When fingerprinting results are complete, you will be added to the Sub List and can then begin subbing!
The current rate for Substitute Teaching is: $95 per day for non-certified substitutes and $105 per day for certified substitutes. (Certified meaning the person/substitute holds a valid teaching certificate).