Community leaders

The Community Leaders Project is an online learning project designed to connect children, teachers, classrooms, schools, and communities to the local leaders in our community.

The basic theory of action of the project suggests that as students, teachers, classrooms, and communities learn more about their community and the people in it. The program provides role models that students can relate to and strive to become. These community leaders come from all walks of life and are helping our community become better. These unsung leaders might be a family member, friend, neighbor or a complete stranger to our students but they are making our community better.

There are so many people right now who are local leaders, and we’d love to hear their stories. Students are leaders when they serve in their classroom, on teams, or in their community. We hope students will be nominated for their kind acts. Please share their name and what they’re doing to help out their community. We would love to recognize them. We’ll be sharing these stories online and on social media.

It’s just a small way to show our thanks to all those individuals in our communities who are having an impact on our lives.