

コロナ禍で沈んだ皆様の心も明るくするようなパフォーマンスを、NEW HALLでダンスとダブルタッチを通じてお見せします。K-POPやJ-POPから洋楽まで、幅広い音楽を使ってパフォーマンスをするので、是非見に来てください!!

【Introduciton 】

We will show a performance that will brighten the hearts of those who have been through tough times due to COVID-19. We will perform dance and double touch in NEW HALL, using a wide range of music from K-POP and J-POP to Western music, so please come and watch our delightful show!!


・I'm sorry. Please note that this video can only be viewed in small size.

2021 Open Day Performance Project.mp4


20211017 OPEN DAY Classical Concert.mp4
