Transitional Program

The Transitional Program at Ridgewood High School addresses the transition needs of special education and mainstream students. It consists of a number of support services that assist the student in achieving success and independence in school, at home, in career, and in the community. A study skills course, career education classes, career-counseling sessions, interest inventories, career fairs, job shadowing internship, self-advocacy groups, and workshops serve to better prepare students for the success in school as well as the adult professional world.

Academic Enrichment (9039SP)

Academic Enrichment is a semester, elective course for ninth grade students. The course will offer instruction in study skills, organization strategies, goal setting, and time management techniques. Students will gain strategies to be successful in their core academic courses. There will be a focus on test-taking, note-taking, and general study techniques. Overall, students will acquire and implement skills to be effective life-long learners.

21st Century Work Skills 9 (9899SP)

21st Century Work Skills 10 (9897SP)

Full-Year Course: Level of Instruction: CPS: Grades 9 & 10

Credit Value: 5.0

Prerequisites: Child Study Team recommendation.

21ST Century Work Skills is a course designed to provide the student with the opportunity to explore and gain knowledge about self and careers. The student will become self-aware, research a variety of careers, and prepare for the professional world beyond high school. Resume writing, interviewing, self-advocating, becoming organized, job touring/shadowing, and creating a future plan will be experienced. These courses will address the NJ Core Curriculum Cross Content Workplace Readiness Standards and Transition requirements. These courses are available to Freshman and Sophomores.

21st Century Work Skills 11 (9889SP)

21st Century Work Skills 12 (9898SP)

Full-Year Course: Level of Instruction: CPS: Grades 11 & 12

Credit Value: 5.0

Prerequisites: Child Study Team recommendation.

These two courses will continue to build on the knowledge and skills that students have obtained in 21st Century Work Skills 9 & 10, but, will have a special emphasis placed on involving students in community events, leadership opportunities, and worksite/work-based learning activities. Students partner with community service organizations, local businesses and the Village of Ridgewood to support and enhance the development of these skills. These courses are available to Juniors and Seniors.