Enlaces Útiles

As of the creation on this page, all links were working. Please send me an email at david.dennett@ridgefieldsd.org if you find a link that is broken.

    • linguasorb.com/spanish - This website has activities, self-quizzes and more to help you learn vocabulary and verb tenses. I personally like the verb quiz generator.

    • studyspanish.com - This website offers many free services in addition to their paid services. Free services include grammar explanations, pronunciation guides, vocabulary lists, verb trees and more.

    • https://www.spanishdict.com - This is a great website for all-around information (conjugations, vocabulary, grammar, etc.).

    • How To Study A Foreign Language - This is a website by Dr. Elizabeth Small at Oneonta State University in New York. It has many ideas for how to study a foreign language.

    • 10 Tips for Language Learning Success - The tips here try to help you understand the way a language is learned. It tries to prepare students for what they will experience in class.