Virtual Content

Where and how can you find content connected to your curriculum? 

Content creators are multiplying rapidly. See below for a list and great examples! One downfall of the VR movement: there is no one content organizer, though it may only be a matter of time before there is. So finding content can be a bit clunky. Talk to your library media specialist. Check here, where we'll keep adding examples we discover. Or just try "Googling" the content you're looking for, but make sure you include "360" in your search.

How do you view Virtual Reality content?

There are three ways:  1. On your chromebook - just click and drag to move around;   2. Move around while viewing on an iPad;  3. For the most immersive, full 360° experience, use a phone and our VR viewers while standing up; turn around, look down, look up and all around the space.

Check out awesome VR 360 videos to bring to your classroom! 

Sample content providers:  ABC News; Discovery Education, NY Times, CNN, USA Today, LifeVR, National Geographic, BBC, PBS, Nearpod (see REF Grant tab),, and  YouTube 360.

Ask us about our classroom set and how to search for videos from some of the best content providers!

Venture into the African wetlands with new 360-degree video

Virtual reality filmmakers capture a groundbreaking expedition to save Botswana’s Okavango Delta.

Los Angeles Philharmonic and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

US Supreme Court 360 Virtual Tour is the web's largest collection of geo-referenced, interactive panoramic photos, created by a network of thousands of the panoramic photographers from around the world.

Curated ex: Lighthouses from Asia to America 

National Geographic's 360 Kamchatka volcano eruption is one example of the content offered by Nat'l Geo. Other topics include:

Dive Through an Oil Rig Ecosystem, Wingwalker, Antarctica, Hammerhead Sharks and more.

Journey to the edge of space - 90,000 feet into the stratosphere!

Explore primary source documents in a new way thanks to the stitching and layering you see in this video from the American Museum of Natural History's "Fossil Hunting In the Gobi" video.

Dive under the Antarctic sea ice into some of the clearest water on Earth with NYT VR

"Welcome to Mars" from Lockheed Martin

The @JESSGeogDept harnessed #VR experience to help students explore Africa. #JESSdigital #FutureReady

Connections to 6th Gr World Geography C3 Concepts!

How does 

define a region?

A very special thanks to the Ridgefield Education Foundation for their generous support!

-Janine Johnson, Library Media Specialist, Scotts Ridge Middle School