Mood Meter

What is the Mood Meter?

The Mood Meter is a tool used to recognize and understand emotions. The Mood Meter helps us to understand that all emotions are ok. We all experience a wide variety of emotions throughout our lives daily. We also begin to learn about appropriate strategies for self-regulation of our emotions.

The Mood Meter is divided into four color quadrants - red, blue, green, and yellow - each representing a different set of feelings. Feelings are grouped together on the mood meter based on their pleasantness and energy level.

Red feelings: High in energy and more unpleasant

Blue feelings: Low in energy and more unpleasant

Green feelings: Low in energy and more pleasant

Yellow feelings: High in energy and more pleasant

Here's a Mood Meter Introduction Video to learn more.

Do you want to decrease your energy level? Try:

  • Take a few long deep breaths

  • Visualize yourself on a relaxing beach

  • Listen to relaxing music

Do you want to increase your energy level? Try:

  • Get some fresh air or take a walk

  • Stretch your body slowly

  • Get a drink of water

Do you want to increase your pleasantness? Try:

  • Think of a funny memory

  • Think positive thoughts and use positive self-talk

  • Remember the last time you were filled with joy