VEX Competition

Ridgefield Robotics competes in the VEX Robotics Competition.  Each year, there is a different challenge that we have multiple teams design, build, program, and test their own unique robots to compete with.  

We have eight teams this year (eack links to a page with info and match results):

877D | 877H| 877J | 877K | 877S | 877T | 877W | 877Z

2023-2024 VEX Robotics Competition: Over Under

The VEX Robotics Competition takes the form of a tournament of two robot vs. two robot matches where students have to design, build, test and practice driving a robot for a game that is different every year.  The matches involve both an autonomous period (where robots run on their own based on student written code and sensor input without any remote control) and a driver-controlled period.  This video gives a brief overview of this year's game.  You can find more about this year’s game on the VEX website

Ridgefield Robotics hosts an annual competition at Ridgefield High School involving over 50 teams from across the state and beyond.  Many thanks to our volunteers who help make this event possible!
