Academic Procedures

Students must earn at least 25 credits to receive a RHS diploma. For the specific breakdown, reference the Graduation Requirements document in the Program of Studies/ Scheduling Information folder on the RHS website.

It is essential that all course selections be carefully made to assure that students are able to pursue their interests and are sufficiently challenged. Course selections should be in alignment with the Ridgefield High School graduation requirements. The program selected by the student during the registration period each year should represent a firm commitment to courses for the following year. However, a student may request a program change under the following conditions:

  1. Successful completion of an approved summer school course.

  2. Discovery of a clerical error.

  3. If a student’s educational objectives have changed, an individual interview with a counselor or administrator may result in a recommendation for a change.

When preparing new schedules, freshmen and sophomores are asked to designate course alternatives for their open choice selections. Thus, if a course cannot be scheduled because of a time conflict between two courses or because a particular section is closed, the counselor will try to schedule the course alternate.

Please note: Any course is subject to cancellation if enrollment is insufficient.

All program changes and resolution of schedule conflicts must be made prior to the start of school. Counselors are available throughout the summer to discuss problem situations and to make necessary revisions in schedules. Schedule changes may be permitted when necessary by following a formal procedure involving the student, parents and staff. Prerequisites Because of the sequential nature of certain courses and the necessity of establishing a firm foundation prior to moving on to more advanced work, certain courses require prior preparation. Students must satisfy the prerequisites to a course before taking that course.


Students must earn at least twenty-five (25) credits to receive a Ridgefield High School diploma. For the specific breakdown of credits needed, reference the Graduation Requirements document in the Program of Studies/Scheduling Information folder on our website.


Most core courses at Ridgefield High School are taught at levels of instruction to make it possible for students to be challenged and to succeed. Academic courses are designed for students who have exhibited ability in dealing with study skills and abstract concepts in a specific subject area. These courses meet credit requirements for admission to most colleges, and business and technical schools. Courses designated as Honors or Advanced Placement are designed for students who have exhibited superior achievement. Students should also be capable of assuming responsibility for independent and original learning activities and for mastery of advanced content in a specific subject area. All Honors courses are identified with an “H” after the course name. All Advanced Placement courses are identified with an “AP” after the course name.


Course descriptions are annotated with a Homework code with the number 1, 2 or 3 which indicates the level or degree to which homework is present in the course.

  • CODE H1: Approximately 10-20 minutes of homework required 0-3 nights a week for most students

  • H2: Approximately 20-35 minutes of homework required 3-5 nights a week for most students

  • H3: Approximately 35-50 minutes of homework required 4-5 nights a week for most students


It is best practice that all assigned homework be posted online daily by 2:30PM, the latest homework can be posted is 3:30PM. Posted assignments need to have been discussed in class the day of the posting. Please note: No homework will be assigned over vacations. AP (Advanced Placement) classes can assign work due after break as a long term assignment, provided the work is assigned at least two weeks before the vacation.