Teacher Spotlight

First Sergeant Cannon, JROTC

First Sergeant Melton Cannon is a Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) instructor at Ridge View. He was offered the Army instructor position in December of 2010, having the start date of January 3, 2011.

First Sergeant Cannon was born in Kinston, North Carolina and started his Army career after high school, enlisting in 1979. His first station was in Mainz, Germany.

While being in the Army, he accomplished attaining the rank of First Sergeant and retiring with full benefits. First Sergeant Cannon believes that everyone should do a minimum of three years in the Army for the experience.

“It is an experience that opens your eyes,” he says.

In his free time First Sergeant Cannon like to relax with his family and watch the Redskins and Carolina Panthers.

First Sergeant Cannon is a graduate of the University of Long Island. He has a loving wife and four kids.

by Janio Céspedes-Torres

Mr. Brandon Ross, Assistant Administrator

Brandon Ross is a new administrator at Ridge View High School. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from The University of South Carolina, a Master of Education degree in Counselor Education from South Carolina State University and another Master of Education degree in Educational Administration from The University of South Carolina. Some of his specific duties are teacher evaluation, PSAT Testing, AP Testing, student discipline, personnel, buses, and support staff.This is his first year as an administrator. He became an administrator because he has a desire to affect change in the school system on a macro level.

He came to Ridge View because he says that they have an excellent tradition of challenging students to think globally. Ridge View also has great academic and extracurricular programs so that all students have a place where they can learn without feeling restricted. Lastly, he says Ridge View has great leadership and it’s a family oriented environment. He says that when he was offered the opportunity to join the family, the decision was easy. Before coming to Ridge View, he was a Counselor at Spring Valley High School.

He says that the best part of his job is establishing positive and healthy relationships with students. He also enjoys visiting classrooms and watching teachers teach and students learn. He says as an administrator he relies on his counseling experiences daily. He uses those skills to help when he has to discipline students. He says that it is important for students to deal with the consequences of their behavior but it’s even more important for them to learn from those negative experiences and avoid that behavior in the future.

In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter. He also spends a lot of time in the gym lifting weights and playing basketball. Mr. Ross also enjoys reading in his free time.

by Jessica Green

Mrs. Jones-Horton

Department: Master Hair Care

Courses Currently Teaching: Master Hair Care Program

First Year at Ridge View High School: 2017

Melissa Jones – Horton is a graduate of Symonds Beauty college and Trade School.

Mrs. Jones-Horton says that “cosmetology has been a calling for me since I was 12 years old. It’s all I ever wanted to be”. Her passion for her trade has lead her to our Master Hair Care Lab.

Previous to joining the blazer family, Mrs. Jones – Horton lead the Master Hair Program at C.A Johnson Preparatory Academy.

Mrs. Jones-Horton says that “if you want to go into the field of cosmetology or something similar to it you have to ask yourself whether or not it is something you would mind doing even if you aren’t paid to do so”.

Mrs. Jones-Horton caution students who enter the field of cosmetology to truly evaluate their reasons for doing so. “A lot of people see the glitz and glam in the movies and forget about the effort it takes to build yourself up to that level. Becoming a cosmetologist means long days away from your family and even working on holidays. But it’s all worth it to see the look on the clients face when you make their dreams come true”.

In her free time, Mrs. Jones-Horton is very active in the community. She works with the city council, the school board, and volunteers at various outreach organizations throughout the state.

by Kierrah Daniels

Mike Crook

Department: Career and Technology Education (CATE)

Courses Currently Teaching: Sports Medicine I, Sports Medicine II

First Year at Ridge View High School: First year as a trainer 2012 – First year as a teacher 2014

Mike Crook is one of our school athletic trainers at Ridge View High School. He helps with the athletic trainer students. Mr. Crook has three degrees in which he has completed throughout his life.

He obtained his first degree, an Associate of Arts, while attending Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland.

He earned his second degree, Bachelor of Arts in Athletic Training, at Catawba College located in Salisbury, North Carolina.

His last degree, Master of Education in Sport Administration, was completed at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Mr. Crook is a retired Chief Petty Officer from the United States Navy Reserves. He is originally from Saint Petersburg, Florida and now resides in Lexington, South Carolina.

Mr. Crook is happily married with three children. During his free time he enjoys spending time with his kids, reading about American history, and woodworking.

by Jonathan Cardona