Product List


Economy Hip Kit

847102020051 | Economy Hip Kit with 26" Reacher

847102020228 | Economy Hip Kit with 32" Reacher

Premium Hip Kit

847102020068 | Premium Hip Kit with 26" Reacher

847102020235 | Premium Hip Kit with 32" Reacher

Complete Hip Kit

847102022086 | Complete Hip Kit


847102019369 | Reacher - 26"

847102000671 | Reacher - 26" - 2 Pack

847102020372 | Reacher - 26" - 25 Pack

847102020150 | Reacher - 32"

847102000022 | Reacher - 32" - 2 Pack

847102020389 | Reacher - 32" - 25 Pack


847102004082 | Reacher - Blue - 26"

847102004631 | Reacher - Blue - 26" - 2 Pack

847102004099 | Reacher - Red - 26"

847102004662 | Reacher - Red - 26" - 2 Pack

Compact Reacher

847102004105 | Compact Reacher

847102004723 | Compact Reacher - 2 Pack


847102007823 | Adapt-A-Reacher - 32"

Shoehorn Reacher

847102004655 | Shoehorn Reacher - 32"

Reacher Bag

847102009124 | Reacher Bag

Rigid Leg Lifter

847102020167 | Leg Lifter

847102020273 | Leg Lifter - 5 Pack

Multi-Loop Leg Lifter

847102009117 | Multi-Loop Leg Lifter

847102004778 | Triple-Loop Resting Leg Lifter

Button Aid with Zipper Pull

847102004020 | Button Aid with Zipper Pull

Button Aid with Zipper Pull

847102002125 | Button Aid with Zipper Pull

Lightweight Button Aid

847102020952 | Button Aid

Foam Handle Button Aid

847102002057 | Foam Handle Button Aid

Zipper Pull Ring

847102002262 | Zipper Pull Ring - 3 Pack

Foam Handle Sock Aid

847102017518 | Foam Handle Sock Aid

847102020402 | Foam Handle Sock Aid - 25 Pack

Single Cord Sock Aid

847102020433 | Single Cord Sock Aid

Wide Sock Aid

847102020174 | Wide Sock Aid

Flexible Sock Aid

847102002217 | Flexible Sock Aid

Compression Stocking Aid

847102004075 | Compression Stocking Aid

Wire Stocking Donner

847102018805 | Wire Stocking Donner

847102004761 | Stocking Donner

Sock-Eez Doffer

847102021072 | Sock-Eez Doffer

Dressing Stick

847102020143 | Dressing Stick

847102020341 | Dressing Stick - 10 Pack

847102021645 | Dressing Stick with Foam Handle

Plastic Dressing Stick

847102022178 | Plastic Dressing Stick

Pant Extender

847102010465 | Pant Extender

Plastic Shoehorn

847102020006 | Plastic Shoehorn - 17"

847102005225 | Plastic Shoehorn - 17" - 2 Pack

847102007731 | Plastic Shoehorn - 24"

Plastic Shoehorn

847102010427 | Plastic Shoehorn - 11"

Plastic Shoehorn

847102010434 | Plastic Shoehorn - 19"

Steel Shoehorn

847102020242 | Steel Shoehorn - 18"

847102019987 | Steel Shoehorn - 24"

847102020396 | Steel Shoehorn - 24" - 10 Pack

Stainless Steel Shoehorn

847102002149 | Stainless Steel Shoehorn - 18"

847102002163 | Stainless Steel Shoehorn - 24"

Spring-Loaded Shoehorn

847102002194 | Spring-Loaded Shoehorn - 24"

Clip-N-Slide Shoehorn

847102004198 | Clip-N-Slide Shoehorn

Telescoping Shoehorn

847102010441 | Telescoping Shoehorn

Foam Handle Shoehorn

847102002170 | Foam Handle Shoehorn - 18"

Curly Laces

847102020648 | Curly Lace - Black - 2 Pack

847102020686 | Curly Lace - Teal - 2 Pack

847102020662 | Curly Lace - White - 2 Pack

Black Shoelaces

847102005263 | 26" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack

847102007229 | 26" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack - Latex Free

847102005300 | 36" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack

847102007236 | 36" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack - Latex Free

White Shoelaces

847102005270 | 26" Shoelace - White - 4 Pack

847102007243 | 26" Shoelace - White - 4 Pack - Latex Free

847102005294 | 36" Shoelace - White - 4 Pack

Brown Shoelaces

847102005287 | 26" Shoelace - Brown - 4 Pack

847102005317 | 36" Shoelace - Brown - 4 Pack

Wide Black Shoelaces

847102007090 | Wide 26" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack

847102007267 | Wide 26" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack  - Latex Free

847102007106 | Wide 36" Shoelace - Black - 4 Pack

Wide White Shoelaces

847102007113 | Wide 26" Shoelace - White - 4 Pack

847102007281 | Wide 26" Shoelace - White - 4 Pack - Latex Free

847102007120 | Wide 36" Shoelace - White - 4 Pack

Lock Laces

847102010144 | Lock Laces - Black

847102010151 | Lock Laces - White

Lace Locks

847102013589 | Lace Locks - Black

847102010748 | Lace Locks - White

Lace Locks

847102010700 | Lace Lock - 2 Pack

Typing Aid

847102002705 | Typing Aid - Small - Left

847102002682 | Typing Aid - Small - Right

847102002699 | Typing Aid - Large - Left

847102002675 | Typing Aid - Large - Right

Art Tool Holder

847102007946 | Art Tool Holder

T-Bar Brush Holder

847102007953 | T-Bar Brush Holder

Holding Mitt

847102002767 | Holding Mitt

Paring Board

847102002460 | HDPE Paring Board

Head Pointer

847102005089 | Adjustable Head Pointer

Toe Lifter

847102005539 | Calf-Based Toe Lifter

Easy Spray Handle

847102005720 | Easy Spray Handle


Clear Cup with Handles

847102001159 | Clear Cup with Handles

847102020518 | Clear Cup with Handles - Weighted

847102021829 | Replacement Lid - 6 Pack

847102013411 | Replacement Lid

Mug with Tumbler Lid

847102009155 | 8oz Mug

847102020464 | 8oz Mug - Weighted

847102000862 | 12oz Mug

847102000749 | 12oz Mug - Weighted

847102000039 | 12oz Mug - Weighted - 2 Pack

847102000879 | Replacement Tumbler Lid - 6 Pack

Mug with Snorkel Lid

847102015071 | 12oz Mug

847102000817 | Replacement Snorkel Lid - 6 Pack

Clear Cup with Handles

847102021966 | 10oz Cup with Tumbler Lid

847102021973 | 10oz Cup with Snorkel Lid

847102003511 | 10oz Cup with 2 Handles

Wide Body Mug

847102014715 | 20oz Wide Body Mug


847102008837 | Hand-In-Mug

Cup with Built-In Straw

847102004150 | Cup with Built-In Straw

RiJe Dysphagia Cup

847102015163 | RiJe Dysphagia Cup

847102003726 | RiJe Dysphagia Cup - Petite

Long Spout Feeding Cup

847102009162 | Feeding Cup - Blue

847102000091 | Feeding Cup - Blue - 2 Pack

847102009216 | Feeding Cup - Green

847102000114 | Feeding Cup - Green - 2 Pack

847102001173 | Feeding Cup - Red

847102000121 | Feeding Cup - Red - 2 Pack

Flexible Straws

847102000848 | Flexible Straw - 12 Pack

Rigid Straws

847102000831 | Rigid Straw - Small - 10 Pack

Straw Holder

847102000824 | Straw Holder

Compartment Dish

847102001784 | Compartment Dish

Divided Dish

847102001562 | Divided Dish - White

847102001579 | Divided Dish - Red

High Sided Dish

847102001746 | High Sided Dish

High-Low Dish

847102001500 | High-Low Dish

High-Low Plate

847102001869 | High-Low Plate

Inner Lip Plate

847102001470 | Inner Lip Plate - White

847102001463 | Inner Lip Plate - Blue

847102008820 | Inner Lip Plate - Polyester

Inner Lip Plate with Suction Feet

847102001357 | Inner Lip Plate with Suction Feet

Scooper Plate

847102004204 | Scooper Plate

Scooper Bowl

847102001371 | Scooper Bowl - White

847102004242 | Scooper Bowl - Yellow

Portion Plate

847102021355 | Portion Plate - 2 Pack

Suction Bowl

847102021386 | Suction Bowl

Oval Scoop Dish

847102001494 | Oval Scoop Dish - Small

847102001616 | Oval Scoop Dish - Large

847102004822 | Oval Scoop Dish - Large - Speckled

Transparent Food Guard

847102000763 | Transparent Food Guard

Plastic Food Guard

847102001777 | Plastic Food Guard - Small

847102000787 | Plastic Food Guard - Large

847102020365 | Plastic Food Guard - Large - 5 Pack

Stainless Steel Food Guard

847102000725 | Stainless Steel Food Guard

Foam Tubing

847102005645 | Foam Tubing - Blue (1.125"OD x 0.625"ID x 12") - 6 Pack

847102005638 | Foam Tubing - Red (1.125"OD x 0.375"ID x 12") - 6 Pack

847102005621 | Foam Tubing - Tan (0.875"OD x 0.250"ID x 12") - 6 Pack

847102005652 | Foam Tubing Set - 2 Blue, 2 Red, 2 Tan

Foam Tubing

847102005669 | Foam Tubing - Blue (1.375"OD x 0.375"ID x 18") - 4 Pack

847102005706 | Foam Tubing - Blue (1¼"OD x ¾"ID x 15") - 6 Pack

Foam Tubing

847102005614 | Foam Tubing - Light Blue (0.75"OD x 0.25"ID x 18") - 2 Pack

Able Grip Utensils

847102021232 | Able Grip Fork

847102021249 | Able Grip Teaspoon

847102021263 | Able Grip Rocker Knife

847102021256 | Able Grip Tablespoon

847102021348 | Able Grip Utensil Set

Able Grip Weighted Utensils

847102022116 | Able Grip Fork - Weighted

847102022123 | Able Grip Teaspoon - Weighted

847102022147 | Able Grip Rocker Knife - Weighted

847102022130 | Able Grip Tablespoon - Weighted

847102022154 | Able Grip Utensil Set - Weighted

Comfortable Grip Utensils

847102020860 | Comfortable Grip Fork

847102020853 | Comfortable Grip Teaspoon

847102020891 | Comfortable Grip Rocker Knife

847102020884 | Comfortable Grip Serrated Knife

847102020877 | Comfortable Grip Tablespoon

847102000695 | Comfortable Grip Utensil Set

Comfortable Grip Weighted Utensils

847102020914 | Comfortable Grip Fork - Weighted

847102020907 | Comfortable Grip Teaspoon - Weighted

847102020945 | Comfortable Grip Rocker Knife - Weighted

847102020938 | Comfortable Grip Serrated Knife - Weighted

847102020921 | Comfortable Grip Tablespoon - Weighted

847102000909 | Comfortable Grip Utensil Set - Weighted

Easy Hold Offset Spoon

847102001661 | Easy Hold Offset Spoon - Left

847102001647 | Easy Hold Offset Spoon - Right

Easy Hold Coated Offset Spoon

847102001678 | Easy Hold Coated Offset Spoon - Left

847102001654 | Easy Hold Coated Offset Spoon - Right

Easy Hold Offset Spork

847102001692 | Easy Hold Offset Spork - Left

847102001685 | Easy Hold Offset Spork - Right

Lightweight Utensils

847102000152 | Lightweight Fork

847102000169 | Lightweight Teaspoon

847102000183 | Lightweight Knife

847102000176 | Lightweight Tablespoon

847102021744 | Lightweight Utensil Set

Foam Handle Utensils

847102000220 | Foam Handle Teaspoon

847102000213 | Foam Handle Fork

847102000244 | Foam Handle Knife

847102000237 | Foam Handle Tablespoon

847102021737 | Foam Handle Utensil Set

Foam Handle Offset Spoon

847102000268 | Foam Handle Offset Spoon - Left

847102000251 | Foam Handle Offset Spoon - Right

Adjustable Weighted Utensils

847102000633 | Adjustable Weighted Teaspoon

847102000657 | Adjustable Weighted Fork

847102000664 | Adjustable Weighted Knife

847102000640 | Adjustable Weighted Tablespoon

847102021720 | Adjustable Weighted Utensil Set

Weighted Utensils

847102000435 | Weighted Teaspoon

847102000473 | Weighted Fork

847102000459 | Weighted Tablespoon

847102000480 | Weighted Knife

847102000466 | Weighted Spork

847102000688 | Weighted Utensil Set

Plastic Handle Utensils

847102004358 | Plastic Handle Teaspoon

847102004365 | Plastic Handle Fork

847102000992 | Plastic Handle Long Teaspoon

847102000985 | Plastic Handle Soupspoon

847102001081 | Plastic Handle Infant Spoon

847102004372 | Plastic Handle Youth Spoon

847102001043 | Plastic Handle Youth Fork

Coated Plastic Handle Utensils

847102004389 | Plastic Handle Teaspoon - Coated

847102004457 | Plastic Handle Youth Spoon - Coated

Swivel Utensils

847102000190 | Swivel Teaspoon

847102000282 | Swivel Fork

847102000206 | Swivel Soupspoon

847102000275 | Swivel Spork

847102021751 | Swivel Utensil Set

Vertical Handle Utensils

847102001197 | Vertical Handle Teaspoon

847102001227 | Vertical Handle Fork

847102001210 | Vertical Handle Tablespoon

Built-Up Utensils

847102002019 | Built-Up Teaspoon - 1½"

847102002026 | Built-Up Fork - 1½"

847102001951 | Built-Up Knife


615953550061 | Small Forghetti - 4 Pack

615953550054 | Large Forghetti - 4 Pack

Plastisol Coated Spoons

847102000374 | Plastisol Coated Teaspoon

847102000404 | Plastisol Coated Long Teaspoon

847102000367 | Plastisol Coated Tablespoon

847102009988 | Plastisol Coated Youth Spoon

847102000381 | Plastisol Coated Infant Spoon

847102003818 | Plastisol Coated Soupspoon - 6 Pack


847102000336 | Spork

Rocker Knife

847102001425 | Stainless Steel Rocker Knife

Meat Cutter

847102000299 | Meat Cutter

T-Grip Utensils

847102004884 | T-Grip Rocker Knife

847102004877 | T-Grip Tablespoon

847102004860 | T-Grip Teaspoon

Great Grip Utensils

847102007175 | Great Grip Teaspoon

847102000060 | Great Grip Serrated Knife

Side Cutter Fork

847102000305 | Side Cutter Fork - Left

847102000312 | Side Cutter Fork - Right

Child Feeding Spoon

847102000138 | Child Feeding Spoon - 10 Pack

Child Spoon

847102001722 | Child Spoon - Left

847102001708 | Child Spoon - Right

847102001715 | Coated Child Spoon - Right

Steady Spoon

847102000589 | Steady Spoon - Adult

847102009995 | Steady Spoon - Pediatric

Lip Closure Spoon

847102004426 | Lip Closure Spoon - Small

847102004433 | Lip Closure Spoon - Large

Sure Grip Utensils

847102000619 | Sure Grip Knife

847102000626 | Sure Grip Spork

Flexible Handle Spoon

847102000558 | Flexible Handle Youth Spoon

Utensil Holder Strap

847102001791 | Utensil Holder Strap

Foam Grip Utensil Holder

847102004471 | Foam Grip Utensil Holder

Elastic Utensil Holder

847102007489 | Elastic Utensil Holder - Small

847102007496 | Elastic Utensil Holder - Large

Plastic Utensil Holder

847102000329 | Plastic Utensil Holder

Utensil Holder Block

847102001258 | Utensil Holder Block

847102001241 | Utensil Holder Block - Weighted

847102001234 | Utensil Holder Block - Pediatric

847102014654 | Utensil Holder Block - Pediatric - Weighted

Feeding Evaluation Kit

847102001418 | Feeding Evaluation Kit - Adult

Disposable Bib

847102001289 | Disposable Bib (16" x 32") - 50 Pack

Terrycloth Bib

847102001340 | Terrycloth Bib - 10 Pack

847102001265 | Terrycloth Bib with Vinyl Back - 1 Pack

847102007304 | Terrycloth Jumbo Bib - 3 Pack

847102009186 | Bariatric Bib

Bandana Bib

847102001326 | Bandana Bib

Sure Grip Glass Holder

847102000770 | Sure Grip Glass Holder


Pill Splitter

847102002538 | Pill Splitter

847102020570 | Pill Splitter - 2 Pack

Pill Crusher

847102021034 | Pill Crusher

4-in-1 Pill Cutter

847102001128 | 4-in-1 Pill Cutter

Medicine Cup

847102004730 | Medicine Cup - 5000 Pack

Pill Box

847102021713 | 7 Compartment Pill Box

847102003542 | 7 Compartment Pill Box - Small

Pill Box

847102021041 | 14 Compartment Pill Box

847102021942 | 14 Compartment Pill Box - Detachable

Pill Box

847102002545 | 28 Compartment Pill Box

Pill Kit

847102021928 | Pill Kit 1

847102021935 | Pill Kit 2

Gum Massage Brush

847102007380 | Gum Massage Brush - 4 Pack

Suction Denture Brush

847102005768 | Suction Denture Brush

Nail Clipper

847102004211 | Toenail Clipper

847102014739 | Nail Clipper

Scrub Sponge

847102020075 | Scrub Sponge

847102020457 | Scrub Sponge - Bendable

Scrub Sponge

847102018881 | Round Scrub Sponge

847102018898 | Round Scrub Sponge with Scrubber

Toilet Aid Tong

847102005126 | Toilet Aid Tongs - 12"

847102005553 | Toilet Aid Tongs - 15"

847102020426 | Toilet Aid Tongs - 15" - 10 Pack

Toilet Seat Reducer Ring

847102005591 | Toilet Seat Reducer Ring

Splash Guard

847102005607 | Splash Guard

Catheter Inserter

847102005102 | Quad-Quip Catheter Inserter


847102010038 | Bidematic

Safety Strip

847102008769 | Safety Strip - 20 Pack

Inspection Mirror

847102005560 | Flexible Inspection Mirror

Catheter Mirror

847102005737 | Hands-Free Catheter Mirror

Catheter Mirror

847102005584 | Clinic/Self Catheter Mirror

Telescoping Mirror

847102021607 | Telescoping Mirror

Pant Holder

847102002118 | Pant Holder

Catheter Bag

847102006116 | Catheter Bag

847102008844 | Deluxe Catheter Bag

Cleanwaste Sani-Bags

847102010021 | Sani-Bags - 10 Pack

847102009223 | Sani-Bags - 50 Pack

847102008899 | Sani-Bags - 200 Pack

847102002859 | Sani-Bags for Nausea - 25 Pack


847102005805 | Supp-A-Sert


847102005850 | Digi-Sert


Decompression Belt

847102015095 | Decompression Belt

Gait Belt

847102021515 | Gait Belt

Joint Mobilization Belt

847102015309 | Joint Mobilization Belt - 8'

847102015316 | Pad for Joint Mobilization Belt

Extremity Mobilization Strap

847102013503 | Extremity Mobilization Strap

Joint Distraction Cuff

847102013497 | Joint Distraction Cuff

Patient Stabilizer Strap

847102013480 | Patient Stabilizer Strap

Mobilization Strap Set

847102013473 | Mobilization Strap Set

Lema Strap

847102010298 | Lema Strap

Bed Pull-Up

847102003078 | Bed Pull-Up

Bed Pull

847102010113 | Bed Pull - King

Armrest Pad

847102015286 | Armrest Pad - Desk Length

847102015279 | Armrest Pad - Full Length

847102005041 | Armrest Pad - Desk Length - 2 Pack

847102005171 | Armrest Pad - Full Length - 2 Pack

Armrest Pad Cover

847102006055 | Armrest Pad Cover - 2 Pack

Positioning Belt

0535224211 | Positioning Belt - Airline Buckle

Chest Harness

05352365M | Versatile Chest Harness

Chest Harness

0535246 | Chest Harness - Small

0535247 | Chest Harness - Medium

0535242 | Chest Harness - Large

Shoe Holders

0526104 | Shoe Holders - Small

05262 | Shoe Holders - Medium

05263 | Shoe Holders - Large

847102010878 | Shoe Holders - Small - 25 Pair

847102010847 | Shoe Holders - Medium - 25 Pair

847102010830 | Shoe Holders - Large - 25 Pair

Headrest Kit

20208 | Headrest Kit - Large

20207 | Headrest Kit - Small

Headrest Hardware

053501 | Headrest Hardware - Offset

Headrest Pad

053507 | Headrest Pad - Large

053508 | Headrest Pad - Small

Footrest Cover

847102008684 | Footrest Cover - 2 Pack

Oxygen Tank Holder

847102007724 | Oxygen Tank Holder


847102013923 | Shove-A-Lugs - 12 Pack

Calf Bumpers

847102018836 | Calf Bumpers

Ankle Strap

30301 | Ankle Strap with Buckle - 1" wide

059901 | Ankle Strap with Buckle - 2" wide

0599003 | Ankle Strap with Camlock - 1" wide

059903 | Ankle Strap with Camlock - 2" wide

0599032 | Ankle Strap with D-Ring - 1" wide

059902 | Ankle Strap with D-Ring - 2" wide


05354 | Pommel - Small

Positioning Belt

05352256 | Padded 2-point Positioning Belt

0535224 | Padded 4-point Positioning Belt


847102000053 | Wheelchair Anti-Rollback Device


847102001142 | EZ-Lift Wheelchair Seating System

Stow and Go

847102004624 | Stow and Go

847102004266 | Stow and Go - 2 Pack

Arm Tray

847102005843 | Arm Tray with Foam - Left

847102005836 | Arm Tray with Foam - Right

847102005829 | Arm Tray - Left

847102005812 | Arm Tray - Right

Padded Armrest

847102003627 | Padded Armrest - Left

847102003610 | Padded Armrest - Right

Clear Armrest

847102010052 | Clear Armrest - Left

847102010045 | Clear Armrest - Right

Molded Tray

847102005232 | Plastic Molded Tray

Padded Tray

847102003672 | Jumbo Padded Lap Tray

Clear Tray

847102005249 | Clear Lap Tray

Slide-On Tray

847102007618 | Clear Slide On Tray

Wood Tray

05464 | 3/8" Wood Tray, Wood Rim - Child

05491 | 3/8" Wood Tray, Wood Rim - Adult

054903 | 3/8" Wood Tray, Wood Rim - x-Wide

Polycarbonate Tray

053603 | 3/8" Polycarbonate Tray - Child

053903 | 3/8" Polycarbonate Tray - Adult

054403 | 3/8" Polycarbonate Tray - x-Wide

Polycarbonate Tray with Rim

053605R | 3/8" Polycarbonate Tray, Rubber Rim - Child

053905R | 3/8" Polycarbonate Tray, Rubber Rim - Adult

054405R | 3/8" Polycarbonate Tray, Rubber Rim - x-Wide

Polycarbonate Tray

054001 | ¼" Polycarbonate Tray - Child

054301 | ¼" Polycarbonate Tray - Adult

054302 | ¼" Polycarbonate Tray - x-Wide

Tray Attachment Kit

055503 | Tray Attachment Kit

Arm Channels

847102004259 | Arm Channels

Slide Bracket

0555094 | Slide Bracket, 1½" rise - 2 Pack

Tray Strap

0572 | Velcro Tray Strap - 2 Pack

Tray Back Strap

057201 | Tray Back Strap

Destako Clamp

847102020297 | Destako Clamp

0555 | Destako Clamp Set - 2 Pack

055501 | Destako Clamp Spacer- ½"

055502 | Destako Clamp Spacer- ¾"

Brake Extensions

847102020440 | Wheelchair Brake Extension - 9" - 2 Pack

847102021959 | Wheelchair Brake Extension - 6" - 2 Pack

Ball Grip Brake Extensions

847102011332 | Ball Grip Brake Extension - 9'' - 2 Pack

847102002880 | Ball Grip Brake Extension - 6'' - 2 Pack

847102005942 | Bright Brakes - 2 Pack

Brake Lock Rubber Tips

847102000961 | Brake Lock Rubber Tips - 2 Pack

Lite Transfer Board

847102005935 | Lite Transfer Board - 26" x 8"

Heavy Duty Transfer Board

847102005386 | Heavy Duty Transfer Board - 34" x 8"

Bariatric Transfer Board

847102003658 | Bariatric Transfer Board - 32" x 9"

847102019130 | Bariatric Transfer Board - 40" x 8"

Solid Transfer Board

847102004167 | Solid Transfer Board - 24" x 8"

847102004112 | Solid Transfer Board - 30" x 8"

HDPE Transfer Board

847102005355 | HDPE Transfer Board - 25" x 10"

847102005362 | HDPE Transfer Board - 34" x 8"

Bariatric HDPE Transfer Board

847102003719 | HDPE Bariatric Transfer Board - 28" x 10"

Non-Skid Transfer Board

847102009605 | Non-Skid Transfer Board - 29" x 8"

Notched Transfer Board

847102005379 | Notched Transfer Board - 28" x 8"

Offset Transfer Board

847102010267 | Offset Transfer Board - 29" x 11½"

Scooter Transfer Board

847102008660 | Scooter Transfer Board - 26" x 8"

Commode Transfer Board

847102002514 | Commode Transfer Board - 28"

847102002583 | HDPE Commode Transfer Board - 28"

Mushroom Glide

847102006222 | Mushroom Glide - 4 Pack

Palm Guards

847102003740 | Palm Guards - Pair

847102020259 | Palm Guard - Left

847102006727 | Palm Guard - Left - 3 Pack

847102020266 | Palm Guard - Right

847102006710 | Palm Guard - Right - 3 Pack

Walker Cuffs

847102007601 | Walker Cuffs

Padded Knee Support

847102009254 | Padded Knee Support

Walker Basket

847102006208 | Walker Basket

847102006215 | Replacement Insert

Walker Bag

847102005867 | Walker Bag

Tube Mount Cup Holder

847102021362 | Tube Mount Cup Holder

Slide-On Cup Holder

847102010212 | Slide-On Cup Holder

Tray Cup Holder

847102008851 | Tray Cup Holder


Squeeze Ball

847102003276 | Squeeze Ball

847102003283 | Squeeze Ball - 12 Pack

Foam Block

847102004891 | Foam Block - Green - 16 Pack

847102008790 | Foam Block - Blue - 16 Pack

847102008783 | Foam Block - Pink - 16 Pack

847102008776 | Foam Block - Yellow - 16 Pack

847102008806 | Foam Block Set - 16 Pack

Therapy Putty

847102004846 | Therapy Putty - 4 Pack

Hand Exercise Ball

847102007755 | Hand Exercise Ball - Extra Soft

847102007762 | Hand Exercise Ball - Soft

847102007779 | Hand Exercise Ball - Medium

847102007786 | Hand Exercise Ball - Firm

847102007793 | Hand Exercise Ball - Extra Firm

847102007809 | Hand Exercise Ball Set - 5 Pack

Hand Exercise Football

847102014319 | Hand Exercise Football - Extra Soft

847102014326 | Hand Exercise Football - Soft

847102014340 | Hand Exercise Football - Firm

847102014357 | Hand Exercise Football - Extra Firm

847102014364 | Hand Exercise Football Set - 5 Pack

Hand Exercise Egg

847102004013 | Hand Exercise Egg - Firm

847102008868 | Hand Exercise Egg - Extra Firm

847102003979 | Hand Exercise Egg - Firm - 10 Pack

Heart Hand Exerciser

847102010311 | Heart Hand Exerciser

847102021683 | Heart Hand Exerciser - 12 Pack

Smiley Hand Exerciser

847102010328 | Smiley Hand Exerciser

847102021690 | Smiley Hand Exerciser - 12 Pack

Star Hand Exerciser

847102010304 | Star Hand Exerciser

847102021706 | Star Hand Exerciser - 12 Pack

Contour Foam Hand Exerciser

847102007557 | Contour Foam Hand Exerciser - Small - 3 Pack

847102007564 | Contour Foam Hand Exerciser - Medium - 3 Pack

847102007571 | Contour Foam Hand Exerciser - Large - 3 Pack

Thumb Opposition Exerciser

847102007588 | Thumb Opposition Exerciser

Stretch Band

847102014586 | Stretch Band - Blue

847102014609 | Stretch Band - Green

847102014616 | Stretch Band - Orange

847102014593 | Stretch Band - Pink

847102014579 | Stretch Band - Yellow

847102021676 | Stretch Band Set - 5 Pack

Pinch Pin

847102020587 | Pinch Pin - Yellow - 7 Pack

847102020594 | Pinch Pin - Red - 7 Pack

847102020600 | Pinch Pin - Green - 7 Pack

847102020617 | Pinch Pin - Blue - 7 Pack

847102020624 | Pinch Pin - Black - 7 Pack

847102020631 | Pinch Pin Set - 5 Pack

Easy Clip Mirror

847102006147 | Easy Clip Mirror

Portable Speech Therapy Mirror

847102002552 | Portable Speech Therapy Mirror

Speech Therapy Mirror

847102007397 | Speech Therapy Dual Mirror

Graded ROM Arc

847102003245 | Graded ROM Arc

Shoulder Arc

847102014562 | Double Curve Shoulder Arc

847102014555 | Single Curve Shoulder Arc

Reach N Range

847102004785 | Reach N Range Pulley

Shoulder Exercise Ladder

847102003115 | Shoulder Exercise Ladder

Extend Your Reach

847102003252 | Extend Your Reach

Arm Skate

847102003177 | Arm Skate

Functional Grip Push Up Blocks

847102002293 | Functional Grip Push Up Blocks

Calf Stretcher

847102003535 | Calf Stretcher

Workfit Nesting Stools

847102007960 | Workfit Nesting Stools - 3 Pack

847102007977 | Workfit Nesting Stools - 4 Pack

Stall Bars

847102007595 | Stall Bars

Coordination Boards

847102004983 | Coordination Board - 18 Pack

Box & Blocks Test

847102006574 | Box & Blocks Test

Hand Function Test

847102006857 | Hand Function Test

Manipulation Board

847102003290 | Manipulation Board

847102021409 | Manipulation Board with Supports

PVC Pipe Tree

847102003269 | PVC Pipe Tree

Stacking Cones

847102003092 | Stacking Cone Set - Small - 30 Pack

847102003108 | Stacking Cone Set - Large - 30 Pack

Stacking Cones

847102011325 | Stacking Cones with Plastic Base

847102001845 | Stacking Cone Set - 12 Pack

Hand Cone

847102008080 | Hand Cone - Clear

847102001852 | Hand Cone - Splint Material

Cone Cover

847102001821 | Cone Cover - 3 Pack

Bilateral Sander

847102002804 | Bilateral Sander

Finger Extension Remedial Game

847102003061 | Finger Extension Remedial Game

Hand and Tool Test

847102006970 | Hand and Tool Test

Adjustable Folding Table

847102002576 | Adjustable Folding Table


847102006543 | Finger Goniometer - 6"

847102006536 | Spinal Goniometer - 8"

847102006550 | Round Goniometer - 8"

847102006567 | Round Goniometer - 12"

847102021393 | Goniometer Set - 3 Pack

847102021799 | Goniometer Set - 4 Pack

Finger Pocket Goniometer

847102010489 | Finger Pocket Goniometer

Gator Goniometer

847102004938 | Gator Goniometer - Small

847102004945 | Gator Goniometer - Large

Quantum Goniometer

847102021638 | Quantum Goniometer

Measuring Wheel

847102015361 | Measuring Wheel

Disposable Monofilament

847102014234 | Disposable Monofilament - 10 Pack

847102014241 | Disposable Monofilament - 100 Pack

Retractable Monofilament

847102014258 | Retractable Monofilament

Disposable Medipin

847102011356 | Disposable Medipin - 100 Pack


Solid Seat Insert

847102007663 | Solid Seat Insert - 16" x 16"

847102007656 | Solid Seat Insert - 18" x 16"

847102003948 | Solid Seat Insert - 20" x 16"

847102004990 | Solid Seat Insert - 22" x 18"

847102005003 | Solid Seat Insert - 24" x 18"

Seat Cushion

847102006031 | Seat Cushion - 15" x 15" x 4"

847102006024 | Seat Cushion - 15" x 15" x 3"

Cushion Cover

847102015439 | Cushion Cover - 18" x 18" x 3"

Cushion Cover

847102007632 | Cushion Cover - 18" x 16" x 1"

847102007625 | Cushion Cover - 18" x 16" x 2"

Body Pillow

847102007687 | Body Pillow

Vinyl Bolster

847102011134 | Vinyl Bolster - 3" x 12" - Black

847102009643 | Vinyl Bolster - 6" x 12" - Black

847102009650 | Vinyl Bolster - 6" x 24" - Black

847102009667 | Vinyl Bolster - 8" x 18" - Black

847102011141 | Vinyl Bolster - 8" x 24" - Black

Vinyl Bolster

847102009681 | Vinyl Bolster - 12" x 8" x 3" - Black

847102008370 | Vinyl Bolster - 12" x 12" x 3" - Black

847102009698 | Vinyl Pillow - 12" x 12" x 3" - Black

Sherpa Bolster

847102007700 | Sherpa Bolster - 8" x 24"

Foam Roller Cover

847102018980 | Foam Roller Cover - 6" x 12"

847102018973 | Foam Roller Cover - 6" x 18"

847102018904 | Foam Roller Cover - 6" x 36"

Vinyl Covered Wedge

847102005478 | Vinyl Covered Foam Wedge

847102005485 | Vinyl Covered Rounded Wedge

Foam Wedge

847102008646 | Foam Wedge

847102009612 | Coated Foam Wedge

Abduction Pillow

847102008578 | Abduction Pillow - Small

847102005492 | Coated Abduction Pillow - Small

847102008585 | Abduction Pillow - Large

847102005508 | Coated Abduction Pillow - Large

Knee Separator

847102008592 | Knee Separator

847102008608 | Coated Knee Separator

Cervical Traction Pillow

847102001166 | Cervical Traction Pillow

Contour Clog

847102005416 | Contour Clog

847102005423 | Coated Contour Clog

Carvable Foam

847102008530 | Foam - 7" x 23" x 23"

Leg Elevator

847102005454 | Leg Elevator - Large

847102005461 | Coated Leg Elevator - Large

847102015415 | Leg Elevator - Extra Large

847102005430 | Leg Elevator - Small

847102005447 | Coated Leg Elevator - Small

Arm Elevator

847102003801 | Arm Elevator

847102005904 | Coated Arm Elevator

Arm Support

847102008035 | Coated Arm Support

Functional Arm Elevator

847102008042 | Function Arm Elevator - Left

847102008059 | Function Arm Elevator - Right

Total Arm Elevator

847102006833 | Total Arm Elevator - Small

847102006840 | Total Arm Elevator - Large


Economy Stockinette

847102013527 | Economy Stockinette - 2"

847102013534 | Economy Stockinette - 3"

847102013541 | Economy Stockinette - 4"

847102013558 | Economy Stockinette - 6"

Extra Soft Stockinette

847102010540 | Extra Soft Stockinette - 2"

847102010557 | Extra Soft Stockinette - 3"

847102010564 | Extra Soft Stockinette - 4"

847102010571 | Extra Soft Stockinette - 5"

847102010588 | Extra Soft Stockinette - 6"

Tubular Compression Bandage

847102006611 | Tubular Compression Bandage

Foam Bandage

847102011295 | Foam Bandage (3" x 54") - 2 Rolls

Take Off Extra Rigid Tape

847102020990 | Take Off Extra Rigid Tape - 8 Pack

Finger Toe Bandage

847102007830 | Finger Toe Bandage - 24 Pack

Endura Fix Tape

847102019901 | Endura Fix Tape (2" x 10.9yd) - 1 Roll

Lo Stretch

847102007885 | Lo Stretch - 6cm


847102021027 | Skincote - 50 Pack

Bandage Scissors

847102004907 | Bandage Scissors

Stax Finger Splints

847102006741 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 1

847102006758 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 2

847102006765 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 3

847102006772 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 4

847102006789 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 5

847102006819 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 5½

847102006796 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 6

847102008011 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 7

847102006802 | Stax Finger Splint Set - 8 Pack

Stax Finger Splints

847102021836 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 1 - 30 Pack

847102021843 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 2 - 30 Pack

847102021850 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 3 - 30 Pack

847102021867 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 4 - 30 Pack

847102021874 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 5 - 30 Pack

847102021881 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 5½ - 30 Pack

847102021898 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 6 - 30 Pack

847102021904 | Stax Finger Splint - Size 7 - 30 Pack

847102006734 | Stax Finger Splint Set - 30 Pack

Finger Circumference Gauge

847102006529 | Finger Circumference Gauge

Finger Cuff

847102006642 | Soft Finger Cuff - 10 Pack

Finger Hooks

847102019734 | Finger Hook - 100 Pack

Static Progressive Component

847102014197 | Static Progressive Component - 4 Pack

Graded Springs

847102019789 | Graded Spring - 1" Blue - 5 Pack

847102019802 | Graded Spring - 1" Green - 5 Pack

847102019819 | Graded Spring - 1" Gold - 5 Pack

847102022000 | Graded Spring - 1" Black - 5 Pack

847102019826 | Graded Spring - 2" Gray - 5 Pack

847102019833 | Graded Spring - 2" Blue - 5 Pack

847102019840 | Graded Spring - 2" Burgundy - 5 Pack

847102019857 | Graded Spring - 2" Green - 5 Pack

847102019864 | Graded Spring - 2" Black - 5 Pack

Outrigger Line Connector

847102019758 | Outrigger Line Connector - 100 Pack

Outrigger Wire

847102019482 | Outrigger Wire - 1/16" - 12 Pack

847102019468 | Outrigger Wire - 3/32" - 12 Pack

847102019475 | Outrigger Wire - 1/8" - 12 Pack

Wrist Brace

847102003412 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric XS - Left

847102003429 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric Small - Left

847102003436 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric Med - Left

847102003443 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric Large - Left

847102003450 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric XL - Left

847102003474 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric XS - Right

847102003481 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric Small - Right

847102003498 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric Med - Right

847102003504 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric Large - Right

847102003528 | Wrist Brace - Pediatric XL - Right

Compression Gloves

847102021102 | Compression Gloves - Small - 2 Pack

847102021096 | Compression Gloves - Med - 2 Pack

847102021089 | Compression Gloves - Large - 2 Pack

Elbow Compression Sleeve

847102021201 | Elbow Compression Sleeve - Small

847102021218 | Elbow Compression Sleeve - Medium

847102021225 | Elbow Compression Sleeve - Large

Knee Compression Sleeve

847102021171 | Knee Compression Sleeve - Small

847102021188 | Knee Compression Sleeve - Medium

847102021195 | Knee Compression Sleeve - Large

Leg Compression Sleeves

847102021140 | Leg Compression Sleeve - Small - 2 Pack

847102021157 | Leg Compression Sleeve - Medium - 2 Pack

847102021164 | Leg Compression Sleeve - Large - 2 Pack

Ankle Compression Sleeve

847102021119 | Ankle Compression Sleeve - Small

847102021126 | Ankle Compression Sleeve - Medium

847102021133 | Ankle Compression Sleeve - Large

Knee Brace

847102021560 | Knee Brace - Small

847102021577 | Knee Brace - Medium

847102021584 | Knee Brace - Large

847102021591 | Knee Brace - XL

Weight Training Knee Brace

847102021522 | Weight Training Knee Brace - Small - 2 Pack

847102021539 | Weight Training Knee Brace - Medium - 2 Pack

847102021546 | Weight Training Knee Brace - Large - 2 Pack

847102021553 | Weight Training Knee Brace - XL - 2 Pack


847102003559 | Breathoprene - 17" x 23" x 3.5mm


847102019697 | Polycushion - 1/8" x 18" x 24" - 4 Pack

847102019888 | Polycushion - ¼" x 18" x 24" - 3 Pack

847102006314 | Vel-Foam - 24" x 48"

Memory Foam with Adhesive Back

847102020310 | Memory Foam - Blue (24" x 16" x 3/8") - 2 Pack

847102006338 | Memory Foam - Green (24" x 16" x 3/8") - 2 Pack

847102020303 | Memory Foam - Pink (24" x 16" x 3/8") - 2 Pack

Memory Foam with Adhesive Back

847102006345 | Memory Foam - Blue (12" x 8" x 3/8") - 10 Pack

Memory Foam

847102020327 | Memory Foam - Blue (24" x 16" x 1")

Gray Foam

847102007748 | Gray Foam - ½" x 24" x 48" - 2 Pack

847102004686 | Gray Foam - ½" x 27" x 82"

Neoprene Roll

847102019765 | Neoprene Roll - 1" x 3½ yds

847102019772 | Neoprene Roll - 1½" x 3½ yds



847102014067 | Honeywell QuietClean Air Purifier

847102014098 | Honeywell True Hepa Carbon Prefilter

847102014074 | Honeywell True Hepa Filter

Air Overlay

847102002910 | Air Overlay System

847102002972 | Air Overlay Replacement Pad

847102002941 | Air Overlay Replacement Pump

PowerTech Sigma

90106 | PowerTech Sigma

90401 | PowerTech Sigma Holder

PowerTech Cables - Input

90112 | PowerTech Cable - Anderson Connectors

90108 | PowerTech Cable - Battery Ring Terminals

90107 | PowerTech Cable - Joystick Charging Port

90105 | PowerTech Cable - Joystick Charging Port (90º)

90115 | PowerTech Cable - Permobil Harness

90114 | PowerTech Cable - Pride Harness

PowerTech Cables - Output

90103 | PowerTech Cable - Auxiliary Socket

90102 | PowerTech Cable - Barrel, 2.5mm

90109 | PowerTech Cable - Newport HT50

90110 | PowerTech Cable - Pulmonetics LTV

90111 | PowerTech Cable - Respironics Trilogy

PowerTech Micro

90501 | PowerTech Micro

Wheelchair Power Adapter Converter

060961 | Wheelchair Power Adapter Converter (WPAC)

WPAC Cables

060982 | WPAC Cable - Battery Ring Terminals

060981 | WPAC Cable - Joystick Charging Port

847102009582 | WPAC Cable - I-110

847102019246 | WPAC Cable - I-12+

847102022031 | WPAC Cable - I-13/I-16


06093 | HydroFlush Mini Urinary Disposal System

Deluxe Revolving Hole Punch

847102009940 | Deluxe Revolving Hole Punch

Electric Can Opener

847102015200 | Electric Can Opener

EZ Communication Board

847102011479 | EZ Communication Board - English

Gulick II Plus

847102010229 | Gulick II Plus

Loctite Super Bonder

847102010922 | Loctite Super Bonder

Protective Helmet

847102006888 | Protective Helmet


847102019031 | Snugglehose - Black

847102019024 | Snugglehose - Blue

847102019048 | Snugglehose - Charcoal

847102019017 | Snugglehose - Light Gray

847102019055 | Snugglehose - Pink

847102019062 | Snugglehose - Purple

Spring Wire

847102013664 | Spring Wire


847102015262 | Therabite

847102015293 | Therabite Range of Motion Scale - 150 Pack


847102007861 | Timer - 12"

847102007847 | Timer - 3"


847102010410 | Tromner Hammer

847102010182 | Witroe Hammer

Folding Pan Holder

847102002408 | Folding Pan Holder

Pan Holder

847102002415 | Pan Holder

Plastic Card Holder

847102007939 | Plastic Card Holder

Polyester Rope

847102013442 | Polyester Rope - 100'


847102014265 | Scoliometer

Magic Heat Pad

847102014227 | Magic Heat Pad - 10" x 7"

847102014210 | Magic Heat Pad - 9" x 5½"

Easy Riser

847102007144 | Easy Riser - 3" - 2 Pack

847102007137 | Easy Riser - 5" - 2 Pack

Coat Hooks

847102001050 | Coat Hooks - 3 Pack

Foam Pads

847102003030 | Foam Pads - 10 Pack


847102019420 | Velcoins - 7/8" - 100 Pack

847102019437 | Velcoins - 1-3/8" - 100 Pack

847102019444 | Velcoins - 1-7/8" - 100 Pack


847102007717 | Velcro One-Wrap - 10yds

Safety Pins

847102016634 | Safety Pin - 1" - 144 Pack

847102016627 | Safety Pin - 1½" - 144 Pack

847102016641 | Safety Pin - 2" - 144 Pack

847102010915 | Safety Pin - 1" - 1008 Pack

847102010892 | Safety Pin - 1½" - 1008 Pack

847102010885 | Safety Pin - 2" - 1008 Pack

Nylon D-Ring

847102006390 | Big Nylon D-Ring - 1" - 100 Pack

Aluminium Screw Rivet

847102019451 | Aluminum Screw Rivet - ¼ - 50 Pack

Rapid Rivets

847102006628 | Rapid Rivet - ¼" - 100 Pack

Nylon Rectangular Loop

847102010779 | Nylon Rectangular Loop - 1" - 100 Pack

Biting Clamp

05190802 | Biting Clamp - 7/8"

Horseshoe Bracket

0519012 | Horseshoe Bracket with Finger Swivel Tab