What does this mean?

Teachers respond to the feedback they elicit from students (through their standard classroom activities as well as specific periodic assessment exercises) so that teaching is dynamic and responsive in the short and longer term.

Teachers provide regular and specific feedback that moves learners forward, and time is allocated to allow students to respond to these improvement points. This feedback might be aimed at the individual or whole-class level, and may take a range of forms (verbal, written, recorded, live marking etc)

What might this look like in practice?

Teachers match the feedback to the student, judging when to nurture and when to push.

Teachers respond to feedback live in the lesson (e.g. during lesson activity, questioning etc) and are responsive to this feedback.

Teachers draw on the 'fantastic feedback' poster in the way they provide both verbal and written feedback to students, for example...

  • making feedback positive and specific

  • framing feedback as concrete actions (redraft, re-do, rehearse, revisit, re-learn etc)

  • feedback draws on agreed, shared success criteria (see more HERE)

Teachers are smart with their time, drawing on a range of strategies both to gather feedback from, and provide feedback to, individual students. For example...

  • using iPad solutions including socrative, kahoot, desmos, quizlet etc

  • whole-class feedback sheets

  • coded marking

What other resources are worth looking at?

Making feedback into detective work - a great post HERE

More about giving feedback as actions HERE

Who has been working on this at Richard Challoner?

Inquiry Questions/ Themes from the 'Positive Behaviour Management' Learning Communities

  • CM - 'Live support machine': using live marking and technology to provide feedback (2017-18)

  • LB/ CM/NH - Feedback Dos and Donuts - what works well? (2018-19)

  • MC/ TBA - making feedback work (2018-19)

  • RST/DS - How can simplifying language and instruction improve access to key assessment tasks (2018-19)