5th grade Expectations


The expectations of parents during this time of remote learning will be to provide lots of support and encouragement for your child.


Make sure your child is logged in and engaged in their classes.
Check in with your child to make sure work is being completed.
Sign up for Teacherease so you can see your child's progress and grades.

Make sure the office has your email address.
Sign up for Class Dojo. All the teachers will use this site to communicate with parents. It has the ability to translate information into Spanish and other languages.
Call the office by 8:00 am if your child is sick and cannot attend online learning that day.
Communicate any concerns to your child's teachers. They will be glad to help.


The expectation of the teacher is to develop remote lessons that are engaging, follow the 5th grade curriculum, and meet the needs of their students.


Be accessible to to students and parents during the remote learning school day. (8:00 am-2:00 pm).
Be engaged with live learning and checking in with students throughout the remote learning school day.
Communicate progress and problems with parents through email and Class Dojo.
Provide feedback on student work in a timely manner.
Provide encouragement and support to all students.


The expectations of students during remote learning are mainly to be online and engaged with their learning.


Log into all classes on time.
Participate in classes, and put forth good effort.
Complete work by due date.
Communicate questions and problems with their teachers.