Mrs. Lynch

Welcome to 7th grade science!

I hope all students are excited about science this year.  We have a year of chemistry, biology, genetics, and human body systems ahead of us.  Students will have the opportunity to take part in lab experiments, design lab procedures, and create projects.

Feel free to email me with comments, questions, or concerns at:

Mrs. Lynch                                                                          


Online textbook link: Textbook Website 

Welcome! Below, you will find the syllabus for Science 7. In the coming weeks, there will be additional login information for some online programs that students will be able to access both in school and at home.


Course Information

Students in 7th grade science will be exploring many topics throughout the school year.  Below is a quick list of units that we will be investigating:


         Molecules to Organisms


         Human Body Systems

Required Materials

Students are required to bring the following to class:

There are several science texts that we will use throughout the school year. These are workbook style texts, so students will write directly in the books and can keep them at the end of the school year. These will be distributed during the first weeks of school. Students will need to keep track of them throughout the year, as we will switch from one book to another as we connect different units of our curriculum.

         Pearson Interactive Science:

                     Introduction to Chemistry


                     Human Body Systems

Digital Platforms

Students will use Google Classroom very frequently for work in science class. This is a platform that many students are probably already familiar with from elementary school. Digital assignments will be posted there and can be accessed at school or at home.

Students will have complete access to an online copy of each of the textbooks. In the first couple weeks of school, students will receive login information for the textbook website so it can be accessed remotely. 


Students are responsible for:

i. Attending class on time

ii. Participating fully in their education

iii. Communicating with the teacher regularly

iv. Maintaining their Chromebook’s functionality by reaching out to RHAM’s student

IT services when an issue arises 

v. Adhering to all school policies, including safety policies, as outlined in the student 


vi. Completing and submitting work on time

Parents/guardians are responsible for:

i. Supporting student learning and providing a space where students can work effectively

without interruption

ii. Monitoring students’ computer use for proper behavior

iii. Checking in with students regarding school assignments at least twice a week or daily

if a student is struggling with work completion

iv. Checking PowerSchool for work completion and attendance

v. Communicating with teachers/co-teachers/paraprofessionals/case workers regarding

academic or attendance concerns

vi. Reaching out to the Technology Helpdesk with any technology concerns or issues

Grading Policy

Grades will be based on a total point system.  Points are earned throughout the entire quarter and are divided by the total points possible at the end of the quarter.  Examples of assignment types are listed below.

Science Standards

The science curriculum is designed to address the following 7 standards:

1.      Knowledge and content

2.      Develop and use models

3.      Analyze and Interpret data

4.      Gather and make sense of information

5.      Conduct an investigation

6.      Use argument with evidence

7.      Use math skills and/or concepts to solve scientific questions


Homework Policy

 Make-up Work

Attendance is very important to the learning process.  It is the student’s responsibility to see me when returning to class after an absence to receive the work that was missed.  Students are given one day for make-up work for every day that they miss class.  Assignments can also be found on the Gold Team website, which can be accessed from the RHAM Middle School website, or students may call a friend so they know what they missed before they return to class. Additionally, many assignments are posted in our Google Classroom.


Students are expected to follow all teacher directions.  Students should be respectful and kind to one another and any teachers in the room.  Violations of classroom rules will result in a verbal warning, time-out, detention, or ISS if needed.

 Extra Help

If students feel they need some extra help, they can see me during 8th period intervention, or they can email me to find a time that works for both of us.