Mrs. Dorau

RHAM Middle School 2023-2024
Study Skills Syllabus

Gold Team
Room 112
(860) 228-9423

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian: 

Welcome to the 2021-22 school year at RHAM Middle School!  In a meeting last spring with your elementary school and parents/guardians, it was decided that you would participate in a Study Skills class as part of your schedule at RHAM Middle School.  The topics listed below include some of the areas we will cover in Study Skills this year.  

Course Requirements

In order to accomplish the above topics, you are required to maintain a three-ring binder for all classes.  Within the binder you are required to have: 

School provided Chromebooks should be with you for all classes, fully charged and in good working order.

Classroom Expectations 

Student Responsibilities

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

Grading Policy 

You will be graded through the use of a self-evaluation rubric, which you will be a google form submitted at the end of the class. This means that you will be grading yourself each class according to the Study Skills classroom expectations.  Your grades will be reviewed for accuracy on a daily basis by the teacher.  This process encourages self-reflection and enables you to be accountable for your own learning and performance.  

I am looking forward to assisting you in taking advantage of the Study Skills program offered at RHAM Middle School.  Parents/Students- You are encouraged to contact me if you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year.  I look forward to helping you navigate your first year here at the middle school!