Welcome to the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

This website will help you understand and complete your chosen award.

There will be links to a document that will show you how to complete each of your projects.

It is important that you keep a record of what you are doing. The DofE website or App will help you with that.

The award is a independent award, this means that you are free to choose what you want and you need to complete it by yourself. If you have any problems speak to your DofE Leader or DofE Manager. They will be able to help you. Use the button below to put your name forward.

Good Luck!

What do I need to do?

You need to complete 3 sections. These are listed below, please click on each one so that you can see what you can do to complete them.

You will need to keep a record of you completing them, this can be done via the website or the DofE app. You can download this to your mobile.

You need to complete each section with a certain amount of hours.

For example: 3 Months working on your Physical challenge for your Bronze Level.

See below for the different levels.

Bronze Level

It will usually take you at least 6 months to complete your Bronze programme.

– Volunteering section: 3 months

– Physical section: 3 months

– Skills section: 3 months

– Expedition section: 2 days/1 night

You also have to spend an extra three months on one of the Volunteering, Physical or Skills sections. It’s your choice which one and, though you can change your mind later, you should decide which section you want to do for longer at the beginning. Knowing how long you’re going to do it for will help you to choose your activity and set your goals for each section.

Silver Level

It will take you at least 6 months for Silver if you’ve already achieved your Bronze, or 12 months if you’ve jumped straight into Silver.

– Volunteering section: 6 months

– Physical and Skills sections: One section for 6 months and the other section for 3 months

– Expedition section: 3 days/2 nights

If you didn’t do Bronze, you must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections.

Physical Section

Skills Section

Volunteering Section