Academic and Career Planning

 All students in grades 6-12 in the state of Wisconsin are required to have an Academic and Career Plan.  Academic and Career plans (ACP) provide the opportunity for students to compile a variety of information to plan for their future education and careers.  Meyer Middle School will be using the software program Xello to help implement the ACP process.  

     Meyer Middle School’s plan provides a process for students to participate in ongoing activities for self-exploration, career exploration, career planning, career management, and goal setting.  Each year students will be expected to complete a variety of activities to include in their portfolios that will enhance their knowledge about their interests and skills as well as create opportunities to prepare for their futures. 

Career Conferences 

Career Conferences are scheduled throughout the year for students enrolled in eighth grade and their parents/guardians.  Conferences are held with the 8th Grade School Counselor.