ELD 3 + music project

Welcome! Thanks for showing an interest in Roaring Fork High School English Language Development 3+ class's music project. Below you will find the two songs this class collaborated to make. On the navigation bar above, scroll to read bios and artist's statements from each student describing what they contributed and what it means to them.

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ELD 3+ Class

Bad but fun

Click here to listen to the song

Students worked together to select a beat, chords, and write the chorus and verses to this song. Some students made album covers to visually represent the themes of the song.

ELD 3+ class: beat, composition

Brisa Farfan Fernandez: Chorus melody, lyrics, and vocals

Eddie Pareida and Fabricio Diaz Orellana
Verse 1 Lyrics and rap

Alex Avila Candela: Verse 2 lyrics and rap

Eric Lamb: Piano, bass, guitar

Story of my Life

Click here to listen to the song

Students worked between two classes (ELD 3+ and ELD 3) to make melodies, make beats, and write the verses and the chorus to the song. Some students made album covers, while others made Spotify playlists to echo the themes from the book, Monster, and inspire the songwriters.

Justin Rojas Mariche: Opening melody, song composition

Eddie Pareida: Verse 1 lyrics and rap

Luis Santos: Verse 2 lyrics and rap

Brisa Farfan Fernandez: Chorus lyrics

Eric Lamb: Chorus vocals, bass, guitar, piano