
                                                               My bio

My name is Alejandro and I am 14 years old, I speak two languages and I go to Roaring Fork High School in Carbondale. I came to the United States when I was 11 years old, all my family lives here in Carbondale. My parents and I moved to New Castle two years ago, although I was born here, my parents took me to Mexico when I was eight months old and I lived almost all my life in Queretaro, Mexico. My favorite sport is basketball-I used to play a lot when I was little-Another sport that I like to do on the summer is biking, I like going fast on my bike to feel the air. 


For my project I decided to do a poster because I think it was easier to do a poster then a part of the song. I drew a black kid that represents Steve from the book Monster. The main colors on my poster are red, black. The red color represents the blood of the murder of Mr.Nesbitt, the black color represents the color of Steve because the movie has some parts that are racist and most of the protagonist are black that’s why I used a lot of black. I made my project simple because I didn’t want my project to look to colorful and I want it simple. I think it’s better when it explains more and has less drawings.