Parent Resources

Grading/Grading Scale

There are two main types of assignments:

Foundational: Assignments used to learn the standard(s) we are working to master

        • Does not count toward final grade, but is necessary for your students to build a strong foundation.

Anchor: Assignments that check for mastery

        • These assignments may only be redone after all foundational work for the related standard(s) has been completed.

        • Most teachers have a form or procedure for requesting a retake or redo.

Mastery Grading.pdf

Online Platforms

There are several main platforms that students will be using for completing assignments/checking grades.

  1. Google Classroom

This is the main platform students will use to complete assignments. Students should be given a classroom code to join by their teacher. Assignments will be posted. Please make sure to read all directions on the assignments.

  1. iReady

iReady login is the same as their student login. The will be using this platform exclusively for math. Throughout the year, students will be completing diagnostic assessments on the platform as well as smaller mastery tests.

  1. HMH

This platform is new this year and will be utilized for our Humanities classrooms. Throughout the year, students will be completing growth measure tests on the platform as well as complete smaller mastery tests.

  1. Powerschool

Powerschool will be the platform for checking grades. Please see above for an explanation of grades and the grading scale. If you don't have a parent login, you can use your student's login. Their login is firstname.lastname and their password is their student ID number.