What stops you from cycling in Retford?

Least Likely = 1 Most Likely = 5

Danger: is it real, or perceived?

Cycling is said to be less dangerous - statistically - but there is some debate that the feeling of it being safe (education, personal experiences, intimidating environments) and the reality of being safe (injuries, collisions, and sadly deaths) are sometimes very far apart, yet most people state that it feels too dangerous to cycle. This is a significant barrier to people taking up cycling as a healthy means of green, sustainable transport. Barriers need to be broken to down for everyone's health and well being. We are trying to do more to help, by communicating your concerns to the those decision and policy makers, those with the budget decisions at BDC, NCC and other stakeholders.

Slow down!

The Dept of Transport said in this research, that of all issues, Speed is the biggest danger to cyclists. The design guidance also states, slow traffic down at junctions, and match speeds with the vulnerable slower road users. We have asked for better signage and improvements in town, we continue to ask for safer better improvements - especially where there are gaps for people on bikes, on foot, hooves and wheels.

New guidance...better design...

"Poor cycling infrastructure discourages cycling and wastes public money" . Recent, modern guidance from the Department of Transport or designing infrastructure, shows low cost and other effective designs to improve the roads for all road users. https://tinyurl.com/yy3x829p . We await eagerly to hear and see what the NCC Committee will do for us in Retford.

Segregation, prevent conflict...

and collisions. Separating cyclists, pedestrians and cars can lead to better, safer outcomes for all road users. Some towns such as Cambridge, have built a dutch-style roundabout, investing in future connectivity, slowing down all modes of transport - but promoting fluidity - to support the hierarchy of vulnerable road users, much more needs to be done. There were 1875 injuries of cyclists and their passengers, in Nottinghamshire (excluding the city of Nottingham) between 2009-2018.

Poor signage and design...

We do need better designed infrastructure, signage, routes, that support all road users.

For example, the London Road ending to the "high-quality" cycle path way down North Road into town, ends suddenly. With a give way sign, at one the busiest and most cognitively demanding parts of that road, increasing confusion and risk of collision at a critical point for a vulnerable road user. This would be against the new good practice, is unhelpful and puts people off cycling.

Cycling safely is presently confusing, with poor road designs, and abandonment of cyclists, puts people off getting on their bikes, makes them less safe. People on bikes, can bring many benefits to health, wellbing and the economy.

We need to be better connected...

Encouraging cycling and breaking down the barriers are doing to be key to making Retford a welcoming town for cyclists, and those that want to choose cycling as a primary or secondary mode of transport. We need better designed infrastructure, signage, routes, that support all road users.

In Retford it is presently confusing, poor road designs, and abandonment of cyclists, puts people off and makes them less safe. People on bikes, can bring many benefits to help and the economy.

Abandoned or unmaintained routes

Unused or abandoned paths could be upgraded to provide significant connectivity for people on bikes, mobility scooters, foot, and those of all other abilities.

The potential for improved connectivity through traffic-free routes such as giving permission to Cycle through (with safety improvements etc) Kings Park and other spaces could make a big difference, to how easy it could be to cycle through Retford, and encourage more people to get on their bikes.

Yet, we have streets such as Westfield Road, the Allotment land in the flood planes (new materials could make the land usable), Tenterflat Walk that could connect up the town and provide motor traffic free journeys through town, helping all vulnerable road users feel safer, better connected, and more valued.

A recent example of what good looks was made with the Goosemoor - Thrumpton bridleway, and progress is being made for the "Coal-Drops" lead by district councillor Jim Anderson. This could with all hope lead to significant improvements and better connectivity, through providing massively improved quality routes from Thrumpton to the Train Station.

Improving options and connectivity for sustainable and greener transport is good for health, well-being, and the economy.

Be kind...

We all can be kinder, it's not just a buzz-word, there is good scientific evidence to support this, there is no place, or space for physical abuse, be it real or threatened, all road users deserve respect. We all have a responsibility to make this work.

Dangerous behaviour should be reported to the police, there are a variety of ways of doing this, see here and here. We are communicating with the police commissioner and other stakeholders to learn and encourage more to be done to protect vulnerable road users.

Cycling and walking is good for your mental and physical health, just once a day, can make all the difference.

Speak no evil...

We all can be kinder, it's not just a buzz-word, there is good scientific evidence to support this, there is no place, or space for physical abuse, be it real or threatened, all road users deserve respect. We all have a responsibility to make this work.

Dangerous behaviour should be reported to the police, there are a variety of ways of doing this, see here and here. We are communicating with the police commissioner and other stakeholders to learn and encourage more to be done to protect vulnerable road users.

If it's worth saying, then it's probably worth saying twice. 😁

A wide range of ages, not just those under 25...

From those long into retirement, to those just starting out in life as young adults, Retford has a wide range of age groups that cycle. Most journeys are still by car, even those less than 5 miles according to Cycling UK. Cycling should be encouraged, it's good for health, both physical and mental, the environment, and the economy.

Gender - a balance?

There appears to be a positive balance of genders, more can always be done for all who want to cycle, whatever your gender or abilities. Reducing barriers, such as safety fears, encouraging and welcoming environments to cyclists would all help to make Retford a model town for people on bikes. Let's see what regional and central government, and local landowners and businesses come back with in the coming months, and years. It could all be much better. We are doing our bit for you. What else would you like to see? let us know 📧 hello@retfordcyclingcampaign.org

Most say cost is least likely to stop them cycling...

Yet we know from our conversations and observations that trikes and other enhanced mobility methods are costly. There are schemes to help, such as the Cycle to work scheme, and charities that may be able to help, and there is a bike repair scheme as well. Learn more by clicking here.

More education and awareness

More needs to be done locally, if we don't ask, we won't get. NCC have stated they provide schemes, and some are coming to Basset law, but more could be done.

We are looking at ways of improving this locally, for instance, by seeking support from schools (for adults, as well as for children, and people of all abilities). There are of course costs, so we are also looking to see how this could be funded and piloted, and then become something that is sustainable.

Hardy folk...

Weather can be one of the big things effecting when people get out on their bikes, or on foot, with our variable seasons and conversation starting sound bites that isn't that surprising. Yet, most feel least likely to be put off by it.

Bikes are vehicles...

Storage is good, but it makes cycling sound like something temporary, cycle parking, that makes it more transport worthy. And it is, the new Department of Transport guidance provides guidance that bicycles are vehicles, and deserve the respect in their own right- that is the people on them too. Which is where the new proposed updates to the high-way code come in. We've submitted our support.

Supportive employers...

The Cycle to work scheme is something special, but employers providing support too makes a big difference. Good quality cycle parking / storage, showers, and changing spaces, make a big difference, and encourage the take up and continued use of cycles as a means of transport. It is understood the Notts County Council could provide grants to improve facilities for sustainable transport.

If you have any comments or questions, compliments or complaints, please let us know