Dual Credit with Lone Star College Online
A unique opportunity for ResponsiveEd students
Students of ResponsiveEd schools have the opportunity to take 100% online dual credit courses through a partnership with Lone Star College.
Tuition is waived for students who qualify for dual credit and courses can be done remotely.
Please view our instructions below for how to get started.
Already a dual credit student?
Sign in to your LSC Online portal now!
What is Dual Credit?
What It Is
The Dual Credit program at LSC provides an opportunity to:
Start college early.
Earn both college and high school credit simultaneously.
Take courses online!
The Benefits
Financial savings (Tuition is waived)
Increased college success and completion
Smoother transition from high school to the future
Complete required CORE classes before graduation.
Possible completion of Associate of Arts (AA)
Possible completion of Associate of Science (AS)
What classes can I take?
HS Course Name: This is the course you would like dual credit for in high school.
HS Credit: This is the amount of high school credit you will receive upon completion of the dual credit course.
College Credit Hours: This is the amount of college credit you will receive upon completion of the dual credit course.
LSC Course and Course Number: This is the course reference code used across colleges.
LSC Course Name: This is the actual name of the course at the college.
TSIA Requirements: These are the sections of the TSIA that you will need to have a college-ready score in. Learn more.
Prerequisite courses: These are the courses that you would have to complete before you can take the specified course.
Let's Get Started.
Step 1
Sign up for Dual Credit.
Click here to find the Regional Counselor for your campus and contact them to get more information and see if you qualify.
Step 2
Depending on the dual credit course you want to take, you will be required to take the TSI Assessment and receive a "college-ready" score in "English Language Arts & Reading", "Mathematics", or both.
The following TSIA2 test results are considered "college-ready":
ELAR Section
Multiple Choice: 945 or higher
- AND -
Essay: 5 or higher
Diagnostic Score of 5 or higher
- AND -
Essay: 5 or higher
Mathematics Section
Multiple Choice: 950 or higher
Diagnostic Score of 6 or higher
Other Qualifying Scores:
Reading – 480;
Math – 530 with a composite score of 1070
500 on reading or math (relevant to the Dual Credit course taken)
19 on reading or/and math (relevant to the DC course taken) with a composite score of 23
4000 on English II or 4000 on Algebra I & passing grade in Algebra II course
Step 3
Go to LSC's Application page to begin the application process.
You may need to create an ApplyTexas account before logging in to complete your application.
Step 4
Schedule a virtual advising session (click here) with PHS counselor to discuss course options for the semester.
In the advising session, you will discuss the courses that are available for you to take through Dual Credit based on what you need to graduate and your TSI scores.
To see a list of approved 2020-2021 Dual Credit classes (click here)
After advising, your counselor will be submitting the required documents on your behalf to LSC: TSI test scores, Contract (currently waived), and your proposed Dual Credit classes.
Current Registration Deadlines:
Step 5
Payment and Fees
Dual Credit students have their tuition and fees waived, however, there are a few cases where a student might have to pay fees:
If your LSC class is using textbooks
If you are taking a specific workforce course that has additional field trip/ materials fees
All student MUST determine if they owe any fees by checking their online portal.
If you owe a fee, reach out to your Counselor or the Campus Director as soon as possible.
Failure to have fees paid by due date will result in a student being dropped from their scheduled classes.