


研究倫理審査委員会承認No.2023-人倫-02 (2023.6-2028.4


研究倫理審査委員会承認No.2023-人倫-22 (2021.2-2025.3)


研究倫理審査委員会承認No.2020-人倫-21 (2021.2-2025.3)


研究倫理審査委員会承認No.2020-人倫-22 (2021.2-2025.3)


研究倫理審査委員会承認No.2018-056 (2018.2-2022.3)


研究倫理審査委員会承認No.2018-057 (2018.2-2022.3)


動物実験倫理委員会承認No.2017A001 (2017.6-2020.3)


倫理委員会承認No.2017-068 (2017.9-2019.3)


動物実験倫理委員会承認No.2014A009 (2014.7-2017.5










Study of quantitative analysis of dynamic cardiorespiratory functions to the common essential oils used in aromatherapy, using an integrative approach.

倫理委員会承認No.2016-076 (2016.9-2019.3)










動物実験倫理委員会承認No.2014A001 (2014.4-2017.3)












An integrative approach to exercise physiology using systems analysis and mathematical simulation


Points for Verification and Pledge Regarding the Maintenance of Propriety in Research Activities and Appropriate Use of Research Grants 






When conducting research activities using KAKENHI, you (researchers) must clearly understand that your KAKENHI are funded with the tax of citizens, use your KAKENHI in a proper and efficient way, and refrain from committing research misconduct.

Please carefully check through the following contents and check the box of each item (Point for Verification ) in case you will comply with it. You are not able to go to the screen and create formal application for grant deliverly form and grant request form unless you check all boxes of the items below.

Principal Investigators have the responsibility to make sure that these instructions are convenyed to Co-Investigator(s) (Co-I(s)) so as to ensure their understanding regarding the maintenance of propriety in research activities and appropriate use of research grants.

(研究活動の公正性の確保) Maintenance of Propriety in Research Activities




Research misconduct amount to desecration of science, undermine people's trust in science, impede the development of science, and should not be allowed to happen in the first place. Also, as support through research grants from public funds is increasing for an advance investment for the future, even a higher expectation exisits for the maintenance of research propriety in the sense of effective use of public funds.




Research activities are the acts of creating new knowledge and developing a knowledge system based on original reflections, inspirations, ideas, etc., while making use of facts and data obtained from observation, experimentation, etc., and extending the research achievements of our predecessors. The publication of research results consists of making the results open and available to the researchers' community for comments and criticisms through the presentation of objective and verifiable data and materials. Research misconduct are the acts in violation of research ethics, which distort the essence and/or the significance of the research activities and presented results, and which impede normal scientific communication of the researchers' community.




Research misconduct are acts of betrayal of science, and will absolutely not be tolerated, irrespective of the size or provenance of the research grant. This must be understood by individual researchers as well as researchers' communities, research institutions, institutions allocating research grants, all of whom must adopt an attitude of zero-tolerance against research misconduct. One may see the problem of research misconduct as the problem of "quality control of knowledge" which is the product of research activities. If research misconduct were to be found in their own published research results, researchers must immediately notifiy them to the researchers' community and withdraw the relevant results.




Research misconduct, along with its prevention, must be addressed, first of all, as a practice of self-correction based on researchers' own strict self-discipline and self-regulatory efforts in researchers' communities and research institutions, and it is thus to be acknowledged as an important task at all levels. Senior researhers who are in the position of training younger researchers must understand what self-discipline and automony entail, and that they must properly educate these junior researchers and students.


「研究活動における不正行為への対応等に関するガイドライン」(平成26年8月26日 文部科学大臣決定)では以下の行為を特定不正行為としている。

(1) 捏 造:


(2) 改ざん:


(3) 盗 用:



In the "Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research (Adopted August 26,2014 by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)", each of the following acts is defined as a specific research misconduct.

(1) Fabrication:

Making up data or research results, etc.

(2) Falsification:

Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes to change data or results obtained from research activities.

(3) Plagiarism:

Appropriating the ideas, analysis, analytical methods, data, research results, research paper(s), or words of other researchers without obtaining the permission of the researchers or giving appropriate credit.


(適正な研究費の使用) Appropriate Use of Research Grants




Fundings, competitive or otherwise, consist of those that are provided to research institutions and those that are for the implementation of research conducted by individual researchers. However, even if the funding may appear to be characterized as a subsidy to an individual researcher, the funding must be managed under the responsibility of research institutions, in order to ensure the trust of the citizens given that the funding originates from their tax.




The person who is in charge of the management of the competitive funding and other funding in the research institutions is required to eliminate those factors that would induce improper grant spending and to cultivate an environment/system which functions to deter research misconduct, under the assumption that it is at all times possible that improper grant spending is committed.




When using research grants, it is necessary to appropriately implement research grants, in accordance to the rules of the research institution to which the management is entrusted.




Improper grant spending is the use of the research grant for ulterior purposes, intentionally or by gross negligence, and/or the use that violates the content of, and/or the conditions attached to, the official grant decision.



(1) 物品購入費に係る不正使用の例



(2) 謝金・給与に係る不正使用の例



(3) 旅費に係る不正使用の例




Examples of improper grant spending include the act of taking out funding through a false invoice, that of misappropriating the funding for other purposes, and that of pooling the funding. They are broadly divided into improper grant spending related to (1) expenses for purchase of goods, (2) honoraria and salaries, and (3) travel expenses. In addition to the misappropriation for personal gains, the use of the funding for purposes other than the original intent and the expenditure through fabricated documents are considered improper grant spending, even if the research grant is used to fund the research.

(1) Example of improper grant spending related to expenses for purchase of goods


A researcher and a trader engage in a fictitious transaction of purchase of goods, whereby the researcher has the money paid by his/her research institution through fabricated or falsified statements of delivery and invoices to a fraudulent account managed by the trader, so that the researcher could receive the delivery of goods related to his/her research or otherwise inappropriately at his/her discretion.

(2) Example of improper grant spending related to honoraria and salaries


By fabricating or falsifying work attendance sheets or through other means, a researcher pads the bill for personnel or bills the salary of fictitious employees, so that the personnel costs and salaries paid by the research institution would return to him/herself, which then could be pooled for his/her laboratory or other use. The researcher then uses the pooled fund for the purchase of consumables or other items for his/her research, or for travel expenses of graduate students to attend conferences, inappropriately at his/her discretion.

(3) Example of improper grant spending related to travel expenses


By fabricating or falsifying documents related to the payment of travel expenses, a researcher inflates a schedule or bills travel expenses related to fictitious business trips so that the travel expenses paid by the research institution would return to hims/herself, which then could be pooled for his/her laboratory or other use. The researcher then uses the pooled fund for the purchase of consumables or other items for his/her research, or for travel expenses of graduate students to attend conferences, inappropriately at his/her discretion.


(不正が認定されたときの扱い) Responding to Fraud That Has Been Established





If a research misconduct in research papers or other publications has been established, or if a improper grant spending has been established, the researcher will return the funding and, moreover, he/she will be excluded from eligibility to apply for competitive funding and other matters for a period up to 10 years, starting from the next fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the research misconduct(s) has/have been established.

(Note) Measures to be taken for an established improper grant spending have been revised (since April 2013).



(1) 不正行為に関与したと認定された者(2~10年)

(2) 不正行為に関与したとまでは認定されないものの、不正行為があったと認定された研究に係る論文等の内容について責任を負う者として認定された著者(1~3年)


When research misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, has been established, the following persons shall be subject to measures.

(1) Persons established to have been involved in research misconduct (2 to 10 years exclusion from eligibility to apply).

(2) Authors established that they bear responsibility for the content of a research paper or other research related publication for which it has been established that research misconduct have been committed, even if it has not been established that these authors themselves were involved in the research misconduct (1 to 3 years exclusion from eligibility to apply).



(1) 不正使用を行った研究者及びそれに共謀した研究者(1~10年)

(2) 偽りその他不正の手段により研究費の交付を受けていた研究者及びそれに共謀した研究者(5年)

(3) 不正使用に直接関与していないが、善良なる管理者の注意をもって事業を行うべき義務に違反した研究者(1~2年)


When improper grant spending has been established, the following persons shall be subject to measures.

(1) Researchers who committed improper grant spending, and researchers who conspired in such use (1 to 10 years exclusion from eligibility to apply).

(2) Researchers who received a research grant through deception or other fraudulent means, and researchers who conspired in such deception (5 years exclusion from eligibility to apply).

(3) Researchers who violated their duty to proceed their projects with the due care of a diligent manager, even if they are not directly involved in improper grant spending (1 to 2 years exclusion from eligibility to apply).




Restrictions on eligibility to apply and other matters that are associated with the establishment of the said research misconduct or improper grant spending will apply uniformly to those for whom it has been established that they committed research misconduct or improper grant spending in research activities, regardless of whether the fundings were based on competitive funding from JSPS or the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) , or were under the control of other Government Offices and Ministries.

 APRIN eラーニングプログラム(eAPRIN)


受講コース等(Course etc)

受講コース(Course Selection)

大阪産業大学 生命医科学系 2021

大阪産業大学 理工系コース 2021

大阪産業大学 人文系コース 2021

大阪産業大学 スポーツ健康学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 国際学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 経済学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 国際経済学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 情報システム学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 建築・環境デザイン学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 機械工学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 交通機械工学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 都市創造工学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 電子情報通信工学科コース 2021

大阪産業大学 事務職員 2021

JSTコース(1)(生命医科学系)/JST Course (1) Biomedical

JSTコース(2)(理工系)/JST Course (2) Engineering

JSTコース(3)(人文系)/JST Course (3) Humanities




ユーザ属性(User Attribution)

  選択... その他(Other) 学部学生(Undergraduate Student) 大学院生(Graduate Student) 教員・研究者(Teacher/Researcher) 事務職員(Clerical Staff)