How do I submit photos for the TEA CTE photo library?

For a step-by-step guide, see How to Submit. 

You will assemble your photos, name each file using your county-district-number (CDN#), your district name, the photo number, and file extension type (e.g., .jpg, .png, .tiff). You will complete the CTE Photo Submission form that tells us how to contact you and what you are including. This form provides you with an opportunity to add any keywords or search terms that you think are relevant to your images. Include as many or as few keywords as you wish. You will also need to have a signed TEA Photo Release for each student or adult depicted in an image. 

Once you have all of your files and forms ready, you will upload them to
or you may email them to

Note: You may wish to Zip up your files prior to uploading them. To create a compressed .zip file on a PC or Mac, select the images, and right-click. Choose "Compress" or "Zip" and save the .zip file using this naming convention: (example:

What kinds of images are being sought by the TEA?

TEA is looking for action shots that showcase your programs and students. Please make sure that the images depict safe practices and are appropriate for public educational settings. 

How will the images I submit be evaluated for inclusion in the library?

Images will be evaluated according to image quality and appropriateness of the content for the CTE Photo Library. Images should avoid depicting stereotypes (e.g., manual labor harvesting crops in agriculture), should aim to represent the diversity of Texas populations, should feature the quality of statewide and regional Programs of Study, and show safe practices. Curators will also be interested in images that depict non-traditional representation in a Program of Study as well as those that show the use of cutting-edge technology.

Who can I contact to learn more about the library?

You may email for more information or if you have questions about the process. 

Is there a deadline for submission?

We will begin collecting images from CTE leaders across the state in July 2023 and continue through the 2023-24 school year. 

For the opportunity to have your photos considered for placement on the updated Program of Study Framework documents, photos must be received by August 31, 2023. 

Do I need to worry about product placement or blur out logos in my photos?

No. Please ensure that images, slogans, text, or other visuals in the background or on clothing is appropriate for Texas public school settings.