Tank Safety

Your propane tank is often overlooked when it comes to yard work but here are a few tips that will ensure your safety and our ability to deliver to you.

  • Clear all vegetation away from your tank. We recommend a 10' circle of no tall grass or bushes that might burn during a fire event.
  • Code requires any tank under 499 gallons to be at least ten feet from any structure, property line or source of ignition (with exceptions). Call us if you have questions about the location of your existing tank or are considering installing a new one
  • NEVER stack firewood or lumber near your tank.
  • Any fencing or lattice work meant to hide the tank must be open on at least one side so our delivery personnel can safely fill your tank. You should also keep at least two feet of open space around the tank so it can be inspected and painted. Never enclose the tank completely with any type of material. Call us anytime during business hours and we'll discuss with you safe ways to lesson the visual impact of your tank.
  • Our drivers have to pull a hose from where their truck is to your tank. Before planting/landscaping or changing your yard, imagine what that hose will be dragging over and around each time we make a delivery. Call us if you want someone to come out and help verify that your new back yard plans won't be damaged.
  • Propane tanks can vent excess internal pressure in the summertime when valley temperatures reach over 100 degrees. If this happens you can spray the tank with water from a garden hose or set a sprinkler on it to cool the tank, and then immediately call us so we can verify that the pressure relief valve has reset.
  • In the summertime be extra careful when checking your tank level. Wasps, Bee's and Spiders of all kinds love to nest under the dome lid and you should be extremely cautious whenever you open it. Our drivers carry wasp spray with them and will gladly take care of the problem if you let them know.
  • Snakes are fond of resting under a propane tank at any time of the year. When approaching your tank, look beneath it to make sure you don't surprise one.
  • If you lease a tank from us we'll come wash and/or paint it whenever you want. Just call the office and let us know!