Honest Pricing

More for Less

Unlike some utility companies, who charge you a higher rate the more you use, Reliance Propane determines price based on where you live, the size of your tank (or amount you are ordering) and our wholesale cost. Your cost per gallon decreases if we can pump more fuel at each fill and you will ultimately pay less.

No Deceptive Contracts

Being offered a lower price for the first year is not honest pricing! Don't be lured into a deceptive contract promising a low cost initially. Be careful of any salesperson promising a discounted rate for any length of time. Companies will often raise that price substantially after the first year. Reliance Propane does not condone this method of pricing.

Real Price Matching

If you find another company that offers a non-promotional, standard price that is lower than our current rate, Reliance Propane will match that price. Your business is important to us, and we want to maintain that relationship. If you have any questions about how we price our fuel please call us at 530-872-7740. We are happy to explain why we're different than other companies.