
GoGuardian, is a provider of Chromebook management and protection software for schools.

GoGuardian is designed for schools with 1-to-1 Chromebook initiatives. GoGuardian for Teachers, provides teachers with a portal to direct students' attention to specific online resources and close off-topic tabs on one or more devices. The goal of GoGuardian for Teachers is to help keep students on-task and away from inappropriate content.

Key features of GoGuardian for Teachers include the following:

  • Screen Viewer, which provides a live stream of students' screens in a single window;
  • Activity Timeline, which includes real-time history of students' device activity;
  • Tab Control, which allows teachers can open a site in a new tab on one or more student devices; and
  • Attention Mode, which lets teachers close tabs, darken screens and lock devices to help direct students' attention.