5 Ways to be Happy

What is Happiness?

According to Merriam-Webster happiness is " a state of well being and contentment". This means that to live a life of happiness we are in a state of well being, which includes all the points in the PERMA model, and are content, or in a state of deep satisfaction. Living a life of happiness doesn't mean that we cannot feel discomfort because we are after all human, but rather to lead a meaningful and satisfactory life. One's happiness is determined by one's social relationships, achievements, genetic makeup, engagement in one's life, and circumstances. Studies have shown that our happiness is determined by 50% genetics, 10% external circumstances, and 40% actions and thoughts. This is great news because it shows that our thoughts and actions, which we control, have a big effect on our level of happiness.

Strategy #1 Positive Emotions

Experiencing positive emotions regularly is an important part of living in a state of great well being or happiness. Happiness, hope, interest, gratitude, compassion, pride, joy and love are all examples of positive emotions. Experiencing positive emotions is important for a happy life because they help undo the effects of negative emotions and help strengthen our resilience. We can bring these emotions into our lives more frequently through these simple yet effective actions:

  1. Doing activities that we enjoy, find pride and interest in.

  2. Spending time with people we love, care and have compassion for.

  3. Reflecting and being grateful for the good things in our lives regularly.

All of these small activities will help bring more positive emotions into your life, and in turn will help you be more happy.


Gratitude, the expression of appreciation for what one has, is both a positive emotion and a character trait that we can cultivate and develop. Psychologists have discovered that gratitude boosts one's happiness and improves both psychological and physical health. Research has shown that individuals who practice gratefulness show significantly higher levels of happiness, general wellbeing, experience more success, possess a higher self-esteem, and have healthier relationships. Practicing daily gratitude has been proven to have a lasting effect on one's optimism and general wellbeing. It is important to understand that being grateful does not mean pretending everything is okay but rather changing one's focus towards what one appreciates. One way to practice daily gratitude is to write in a gratitude journal, a place where one writes a few things down that one has appreciation for in as much detail as possible. An improvement in wellbeing will not come immediately but it is important to be consistent and honest with oneself.

Strategy #2 Engagement/Flow

Psychological Flow describes the state of total and complete absorption, focus, engagement and involvement in an activity. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the positive psychologist who is credited with popularizing the concept of flow, defines flow as “the holistic sensation that people feel when they act with total involvement.” . After studying the nature of Flow he discovered a few psychological factors and triggers that caused the state:

  • Intense concentration - The ability to focus with undivided attention on the activity at hand, being completely focused, engaged, involved, and absorbed.

  • Goal Clarity - Setting goals that are clear and ambiguous when doing an activity in order to avoid losing focus and wondering what the next step should be.

  • Immediate feedback - It is important that an activity fuels us with a consistent flow of feedback in order for us to maintain a constant level of attention and focus. It also allows us to see how we can improve.

  • Challenge & Skill balance - In order to fully enter "flow" an activity should not be too challenging to the point where we feel overwhelmed nor too easy (without challenge) so that we feel bored. It is important that one finds a perfect amount of challenge that is in between those two extremes. It has been proven that when we use our top character strengths we tend to feel more content and happy.

Happiness is one of the many benefits of regularly entering a state of Flow. Some ways to increase engagement and in turn happiness are participating in activities that cause you to enter a state of flow, spending time observing your surroundings especially nature, and generally practicing living in the moment without thinking about what to do next. It is also important that you have an idea which activities you enjoy and find absorbing, so you might have to experiment and try out new things to find what you enjoy. Painting, playing a sport, writing, singing, etc are some examples of activities that you might enjoy and find a sense of flow in.

Strategy #3 Relationships

Psychologist's say that as human beings we have an innate need to form and maintain strong social relationships and feel a sense of community, as it is our default. Research shows that our social relationships have a direct effect on our level of happiness, especially because they are connected to some of our strongest emotions. When we are in a place where our relationships are positive and satisfying, we feel happy, calm, and content. Whereas when our social relationships are negative or non-existent they cause us to feel sad and lonely. One study supporting this point was one done by Harvard on adult development, where 724 men were studied for 75 years, and they discovered that positive relationships are one of the key factors for long lasting happiness. In order for us to master the art of positive relationships we must understand what makes a healthy relationship.

Healthy Relationships

Whether it is a romantic relationship, a friend, or colleague it is important that our social relationships are healthy. The major aspects of a healthy relationship include trust, mutual respect, honesty, compromise, individuality, good communication, self-confidence, problem solving, anger control, and fair fighting. These aspects make up the key components of any healthy relationship with another person. Unhealthy relationships tend to include control, hostility, disrespect, dishonesty, intimidation, dependence, and physical violence. It is important with unhealthy relationships to either discuss the problem with the other person, or even end the relationship. If you feel like you could do with more relationships with other people don't feel afraid to try connect with people around you who you would not normally connect to, you never know where that relationship might go. It is also important that we strengthen our relationships with our friends through consistent communication, and don't let them waste away.

Strategy #4 Purpose

Most likely the most important factor in our wellbeing and in turn our level of happiness is our purpose in life or what we find meaning in. This factor is important because it is what gives us a reason to live and even pursue happiness in the first place, both of which are central motivations for living. We find meaning in our lives when we dedicate ourselves to something bigger than us, for example religion, community service, family and friends, occupation, hobbies, etc. We cannot live happy lives if we do not have meaning in our lives. Another way to build meaning into your life is to commit to a cause locally or globally that you are passionate about and that gives you a reason to live. You can also think about how your relationships could provide more meaning in your life, and you could even look towards a religion, such as Christianity like I do. No matter what you do to find meaning, it is imperative that you have something that gives you meaning because there is no other real way to live.

Strategy #5 Physical Health

Physical exercise is another successful method for increasing overall happiness. When we exercise our brain increases the production of endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline, and endocannabinoid which are all chemicals associated with feeling happy, confident, capable, and less stressed and anxious. "Movement itself primes you to connect with others. That's just the brain chemistry of it. When you get your heart rate up, when you use your body, when you engage your muscles, it changes your brain chemistry in a way that makes it easier to connect with others and bond, trust other people. It enhances social pleasures like a high five, laughing or a hug" (McGonigal, cnet.com). This easier bondage allows one to develop deeper and stronger relationships with others, and so increase your level of happiness. Finally, exercise has also been found to develop confidence, especially when working out with a group of people. We are challenged to do something difficult and when we reach that goal we feel satisfied and empowered. This increase in confidence will in turn help you through the challenges of your life, and because you have already developed confidence you will be able to maintain a good level of happiness.

Sleep and Nutrition

As you may have heard before, sleep and nutrition are some of the most important aspects of a happy life. These two things are some of the body's most basic needs for proper functioning, and therefore have a direct impact on our mood/state of mind. Studies have proven that healthy eating does not only have an effect only on our physical health but our mental wellbeing as well. An example of this can be found in a study done at the University of Konstanz in Germany that concluded, "Thus, the findings support the notion that fruit and vegetable consumption has beneficial effects on different indicators of well-being, such as happiness or general life satisfaction, across a broad range of time spans" (Department of Psychology from the University of Konstanz, available on forbes.com). This means that if we avoid that quick visit to the nearest fast food restaurant and that unnecessary bar of chocolate we could really be looking at an increase in our level of happiness. It is also important to get enough sleep every night because it is one of the most important health factors for your state of health. Sleep is the time when your body recuperates after the day's occurrences, heals damage, and refreshes you for the next day. According to the CDC, children aged 6-12 should get anywhere between 9-12 hours of sleep, and teens between the ages of 13-18 years should sleep for at least 8 hours everyday. "Children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, injuries, poor mental health, and problems with attention and behavior" (CDC.gov). This just goes to show how imperative sleep is for our overall health and even happiness.