RHS Drama Boosters

Parent Volunteers 

RHS Drama Boosters is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit volunteer organization of parents dedicated to supporting Theatre Arts at Redmond High School. Our goal is to make the program more accessible and meaningful for all students. 

2024-2025 Drama Booster Board  

President: Kristine Dorrain 

Vice President: Michelle Spore

Secretary: Jennifer Yu

Treasurer: Dawn Cseh

Members at Large and Committee Chairs: Cindy Goulding (Publications Committee); Kathryn Duszynski (Front of House Committee)

Drama Teacher: Garth Ball

What do Boosters do?

We provide organizational and financial support to supplement school events and activities. Here are some of the areas we help with:

How Can I Help?

It takes all kinds of talents to create a show and to run a booster program. Show off your skills, inspire students, and have fun with other theatre people! Join us in supporting RHS Drama! 

Email the RHS Drama Boosters at redmonddrama@gmail.com.