The Lab in the Library

Welcome to The Lab in the library; a makerspace for REVHS students

what is the Lab?

The Lab is a collaborative makerspace to explore ideas in a "hands on" fashion. The Lab provides tools and supplies that might otherwise not be available to students so they can explore their ideas and make them happen. The Lab in the Library supports RUSD 2025 by providing enhanced learning through innovation, excellence in academics, collaborative community and parent partnerships and supporting equality through equity and learning in a safe and secure environment. Click here to see how.

Why a Makerspace?

"Makerspace builds on a constructivist ideology to form a constructivist and constructionist approach to education, as introduced by Jean Piaget and developed by Seymour Papert. The primary goal of both constructivism and constructionism is to have learners create their own knowledge by creating and interacting with physical objects. It has clear connections to media literacy as well as to self-directed learning. Innovative researchers, and those who wish to see schools develop 21st century learners with the skills to work in today’s multidimensional career settings, know constructivism and constructionism are necessary methods. "

Definition from Makerspace for Education.

Education, for most people, means trying to lead the child to resemble the typical adult of his society... But for me, education means making creators... You have to make inventors, innovators, not conformists.

--Jean Piaget, from Conversations with Jean Piaget (1980) by Jean Claude Bringuier