
Discovery Techbook

Redlands Unified School District has adopted the Discover Education Techbook - a social studies program that engages students through a wide range of online and print resources - for all middle school students. The chapters in the Techbook align with the framework. Students can log in to the Techbook through Clever.

8th Grade Techbook - U.S. History


Three Cultures Meet

Life in the Colonies

Revolutionary America

Establishing a New Government

Leaders and Challenges of a New Nation

Building a New National Identity

New Horizons

Industrial Expansion and Reform

Slavery and the Civil War


A Country Transformed

Conflict in the Gilded Age

History-Social Science Framework

The History Social Science Framework, adopted by the California State Board of Education in 2016, guides educators as they design, implement, and maintain a coherent course of study. The framework consists of four emphases that are embedded throughout the entire curriculum: content, inquiry, literacy, and citizenship. The goal is to not only teach content standards, but to develop inquiry-based critical thinking skills, improve reading comprehension and expository writing ability, and promote an engaged and knowledgeable citizenry in history and the related social sciences.

8th Grade Framework

In 8th grade United States History and Geography, students learn about United States history from the First Americans to the end of the 19th century, focusing on the following questions:

What did freedom mean to the nation’s founders, and how did it change over time?

How and why did the United States expand?

Who is considered an American?

Throughout their eighth-grade United States history and geography course, students will confront the themes of freedom, equality, and liberty and their changing definitions over time.

You can learn more about the Framework at this link or by opening the documents below.

8th Grade History/SS Framework

HSS Framework 8th Grade.pdf

AVID Course Description

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a year-long elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success. Each week, students receive instruction that uses a rigorous college preparatory curriculum provided by AVID Center, tutor‐led study groups, motivational activities, and academic survival skills. In AVID, students participate in activities that use strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to support their academic growth.

The seventh grade AVID elective course builds upon the AVID philosophy. Students will set goals in order to understand the value in taking charge of their actions. Students will work on intrapersonal and interpersonal skills and formal and informal speech. Students will complete evaluations related to reading, writing, speaking, and organization. Students will improve their writing practice. Students will take an active role in their learning, understanding the roles of all members in assignments and collaborative lessons. They will expand their knowledge of note‐taking, in relation to studying and test preparation. Students will be exposed to different field trips, guest speakers, and research, to increase their knowledge of college and career options.