Second Step Program

Mentone Elementary, along with all other elementary schools in Redlands Unified School District, use the Second Step program for classroom lessons. The Second Step program is a research-based social-emotional learning curriculum that is designed to improve students' social emotional skills for learning, including growth mindset, goal-setting, emotion management, kindness and empathy, and problem solving. We also implemented the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit this year to teach students how to prevent and stop bullying.

Second Step Flyer.pdf

Unit 1: Growth Mindset & Goal-Setting (5 lessons)

Students learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply research-based goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives. This unit's content helps create classrooms that are connected and encouraging by helping students set and achieve collective and personal goals and learn from challenges and mistakes.

Unit 2: Emotion Management (5 lessons)

Students learn how to build their emotion vocabularies, practice identifying their own and others' emotions, and recognize the importance of labeling and processing their emotions. This unit's content helps students understand and explore how past experiences as well as unique perspectives influence how they feel and respond to situations.

Unit 3: Empathy & Kindness (5 lessons)

Students learn how to recognize kindness and act kindly towards others, and how to develop empathy by learning strategies to take others' perspectives. This unit's content helps students understand others' points of view.

Unit 4: Problem-Solving (5 lessons)

Students learn how to recognize kindness and act kindly towards others, and how to develop empathy by learning strategies to take others' perspectives. This unit's content helps students understand others' points of view.