Student Government

Student Government’s job is to oversee ASB, which is the Associated Student Body – Which is all of our students!  We try to make the school culture here at RHS fun, welcoming, and accepting.  We create events and campaigns that you can get involved with and enjoy while at school.  Some of these things are pep rallies, podcasts, spirit weeks, awareness campaigns, blood drives/toy drives, lunch events, and graduation along with supporting all of our clubs on campus as well.  We also hold fundraisers so we can afford to continue these fun events at Redlands High School, so please support your classes when you can!  

If you are interested in applying for Student Government, please look for our applications early during second semester each year!  

If you have any questions or would like to contact Student Government, please contact Mrs. Baker or stop by rooms 41 and 42 during lunch!

2023-2024 Application INformation

Student Government Applications are currently available and are due 2/2/24 (current 9-11th graders) and 3/15/24 (current 8th graders).  You must join the RUSD sponsored Google Classroom called "RHS Student Government Application Process" by using the join code 4ehccm5 to access the applications.  If you are not currently enrolled in RUSD, you can contact Mrs. Baker at to ask for an application.