Superintendent's Message

April 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians and Caregivers:

On April 3, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the closure of face-to-face instruction in schools for the remainder of the year. I have been amazed daily at the speed, genuine care and concern that all teachers, support staff, principals, district administrators, food service providers, custodial workers, transportation providers came together to ensure that our students 1) have food, most importantly, 2) are communicated with and 3) provided valuable ways to continue to learn and grow during this major disruption in all of our lives.

On a very personal note, I want for every Redford Union Family to know that the most important thing is your health, wellness, safety and self-care during this time. Daily, we are made aware of members of our Panther Family (staff, parents, extended family members) that are ill or have lost the battle fighting the Coronavirus. Our hearts are with you all, and we are here to support each other now and in the future— shoulder to shoulder #PANTHERSTRONG!

CONTINUITY OF LEARNING COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN We are pleased to share that our Continuity of Learning Plan was approved by Wayne Regional Educational Services Agency on April 14, 2020. This approval is required as part of the Governor’s Executive Order. Remote learning under this plan will begin Monday, April 20, 2020.

The plan carefully explains how we will continue to provide learning resources in the primary form of learning packets and online programs during the school closure. Students will also receive and/or have access to other learning, social, emotional, mental health support and services.

To help families to continue to transition to this “new way” of learning, we have found multiple ways to get you the resources you need including:

Learning Packets—Available at meal pick up and downloadable

Chromebooks—First distribution 4/16 and 4/17. Second distribution week of April 20th

Wi-Fi and Hotspot Internet Services—List to access for free/low cost for low income families

Meal Pickups—Tuesdays and Fridays from 11-1PM at Hilbert and RUHS

A host of other helpful tips, staff availability, resources, crisis and related information


This portal is where you will find all of the new and previously provided information, since the beginning of the school closure in March. It has been carefully designed to give you access to all of the important information above. The portal will be consistently updated and revised. So, please plan to minially visit it weekly.

Please let us know what we can do to help you! WE MISS YOU…


Dr. Sarena Shivers Superintendent