Singing Together
During the
Coronavirus Pandemic

We in the vocal arts have been inundated with information about issues involving singing during the COVID-19 epidemic, including scientific information, technical information, tools for singing together, etc. This site is meant to offer links to information and resources. It is not intended to be definitive or give the final word on scientific developments. My hope is that it will help to simplify your search for information and help you make your own decisions of how to proceed with singing in the current environment, and to encourage you that there is much we can do to keep singing. And we need to sing for our emotional, artistic, spiritual, and physical health - as singers, it is vital to our sense of self. So keep singing!!

Please feel free to reach out with comments or suggestions!

Rebecca Seeman, DMA

University of San Francisco • Performing Arts and Social Justice Department • Music Program

Sacred and Profane, a chamber chorus