Academic Resources


Advisory is held very day except Wednesday between 2nd and 3rd periods from 9:45am-10:15am. Students can schedule advisory sessions through Adaptive Scheduler. Scheduling options open every Friday at 9:45am for the following week.

Math Lab

Freshmen who need assistance in Algebra I are encouraged to visit Math Lab during their homeroom period. Students should see their teacher for a referral.

  • 4A and 4B homerooms - Mr. Scheiner (Room 104)

  • 5A and 5B homerooms - Ms. LoVerde (Room 110)

NHS Peer Tutoring

National Honor Society students (juniors and seniors) offer peer tutoring services in multiple subject areas.

  • Tuesday through Thursday from 3:05-4:00pm (2nd Floor Library)

Resource Center

The Resource Center is located in Room 221 and is open for walk-ins during advisory and homeroom periods. Students can report to directly to the RC instead of their homeroom period and attendance will be taken.

  • Academic Coaches

    • Mondays and Fridays: Help in Math and Social Studies

    • Tuesdays and Thursdays: Help in English and Science

  • Peer Tutoring

    • Tuesdays and Thursdays during advisory: Help in English and Science

Sophomore Math & Science Assistance

Reavis offers targeted assistance specifically for sophomores who need assistance in math and science classes. Our Math and Science Interventionists push into classrooms to assist teachers and work with students during advisory period in Room 210. Students can also see their math or science teacher for a referral.

    • Chemistry I (Room 210): Thursdays and Fridays with Ms. Manzke

    • Geometry I (Room 210): Mondays and Tuesdays with Ms. Fox