Message from the head of the committee

Scientific research constitutes a major strategic goal for EDCI as it has become the basis for measuring the progress and development of nations and societies. We at the Research Promotion Committee are pleased to welcome all visitors to the committee's website, stressing our keenness to ensure that researchers in the Colleges and Institutes at the Royal Commission of Yanbu find everything that matters to them. This includes knowing about the research strategic and operational plans, regulations and procedures, research opportunities and other related services. The role of the committee here is to encourage, facilitate, and monitor the scientific research activities at the institutional level and to enhance the research collaboration with industry and academia.

We count on our faculty to be the major partner of success in achieving our goals and we kindly ask you to continuously share with us your valuable suggestions and feedback.

.Thank you

Dr. Adel M. Alturki

Head of Research Promotion Committee