
Dear Parent or Guardian:

Vermont’s immunization law requires vaccination of all children enrolled in child care or school. Immunizations protect both individuals and the community.

An official immunization record must be presented to the school upon admission. If a student does not meet the vaccine requirements they may be admitted provisionally only after the school nurse approves a compliance plan for the child. Failure to meet requirements may result in exclusion.

Students entering Pre Kindergarten must provide documentation of the following:

  • 4 doses of DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccine
  • 3 Doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
  • 1-4 doses of Hib (haemophilus influenzae type b
  • 1 dose Varicella (chickenpox)
  • 1 dose MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
  • 3 doses Polio

Students entering kindergarten must provide documentation of the following:

• 5 doses of DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine

• 4 doses of polio vaccine

• 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine

• 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine

• 2 doses of chickenpox (varicella) vaccine. If the student has previously had chickenpox disease no vaccine is needed. Parents may submit documentation or sign a Health Department form

Students entering the seventh grade must provide documentation of the following:

  • All of the immunizations listed above and
  • One dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine

During the 2012 legislative session, changes were made with regard to the Vermont law that allows for immunization exemptions. In order to claim a medical exemption, the child's health care provider must complete a medical exemption form.

If a parent or guardian chooses to exempt their child for religious reasons they must sign an exemption form annually acknowledging they have read and understand evidence-based information regarding immunizations, and are aware of the risks associated with not vaccinating their children. The philosophical exemption was removed in 2015.

All exemption forms need to be completed, signed and returned to the school. Students who claim an exemption may be excluded from school during the coarse of a disease outbreak.

Additional information about immunizations and required forms may be found at: