6th Grade

Intro 2 Spanish is offered as a one-trimester elective for sixth grade. During this time, students will be introduced to the "Super Seven" verbs. The class focus will be on being able to read, write, and speak Spanish with the vocabulary learned in class, as well as to infer meaning through context clues for any new words. Students will be assessed on their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in accordance with the California World Language Standards. You can find those here: Standards.

This class also utilizes the TPRS method, as well as Warren T. Eich's Immediate Immersion curriculum, courtesy of Scott Benedict. Similarly, class readings will focus on student-driven interests. For example, one class could create a story about Doctor Who traveling in space to deliver dinosaurs to a safe planet, while another class could create a story about Colonel Sanders eating fried chicken while playing volleyball in the pool! It all depends on what's on their minds at the moment, and this is what keeps class interesting.