Class Overview

The unit we are currently working on covers geometry [Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. 6.G.1,2,4)] Students will be able to answer questions such as "How can the areas of triangles, quadrilaterals be used to find the area or composite shapes?", "What is volume and how can we find the volume of rectangular prisms?", "How can finding area and volume be applied to solving real-world problems?" and "What is surface area and how can finding surface area using nets be applied to real-world problems?"

Recommended Materials

*6 Math Weekly Agenda

1. MathLinks Workbooks (18 Total)

2. BASIC One-Subject Notebook

3. Colored Pencils

4. Pencils & Erasers

5. Multiplication Chart (click HERE for a PDF version)

6. Dark Colored Pen or Marker and Scratch Paper (for class practice)

(Whiteboard and whiteboard marker will also work well.)

Zoom Meeting Expectations (Norms)

  1. Join the class meeting ON TIME!

  2. Mute your microphone when you join the group. Please keep your microphone muted until asked to unmute.

  3. You must use YOUR NAME when you join the class meeting. If I do not recognize your name I WILL NOT LET YOU INTO THE MEETING!

  4. Be appropriate during our class meeting. Behave just like you would be expected to in a physical classroom.

  5. Sit somewhere where you have a neutral background. Please make sure there is nothing inappropriate in the background of your video.

  6. Use headphones, if at all possible, as this keeps your microphone from picking up your speakers when you are asked to unmute your microphone.

  7. Make sure you have all the assigned links opened BEFORE you join the class meeting.

Office Hours

My office hours will be Wednesdays from 3:30pm - 4:00pm. Please email me to request a meeting during my office hours. You can also email me anytime to discuss an issue, this would be mainly to have a meeting via Zoom or over the phone.

Back to School Night Files

Growth Mindset Sheet.pdf
Syllabus 20-21_6 Math:Science.pdf