March: Risk-Taker

Risk-Taker: I approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; I work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. I am resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

A student who is a risk-taker can transition well to challenging situations (both academic and personal) and show resilience and determination in his/her work. In academics, an IB student has the confidence to approach new or unfamiliar subjects or materials.

A "Risk-Taking" Student in Math/ able to approach novel problems with determination and a “can-do” attitude. The risk-taking student is willing to try various methods to solve problems and is willing to make mistakes because he/she knows that each mistake is a learning opportunity. This means a risk-taking student in math is resilient because facing new problems often means failing, but having the perseverance to keep trying new methods to see what will work. In science this means students are willing to take a risk by making a hypothesis and testing it to see if their ideas are correct. Moreover, the risk-taker is willing to continue test hypotheses even if the first one was not proven correct.