Class Syllabus

Classroom Syllabus


Mrs. McDevitt 916-771-1770 x23214 (phone calls will be returned within 24 hours) (email is preferred)

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year with the Eich Wildcats! It’s hard to believe that summer has passed so quickly. It is my pleasure to have you in class this year. This is going to be a fun, exciting, and challenging year. I am looking forward to a year packed with many dynamic and rewarding learning experiences.



We will be using Math Links curriculum (new this year) with Common Core supplemental materials. Math Links is a standards-based curriculum that is dedicated to providing the instruction and skills students need in order to meet California’s high standards. Additionally, we will be engaging in higher level thinking activities and assessments throughout the year to address Common Core Mathematical Practices. Students will be constructing viable arguments to explain their mathematical thinking. The course is designed to cover all of the key standards and cognitive demands that students need to master in order to be successful next year in Common Core Math 7.


We will be teaching integrated components of Earth, Life, and Physical Science in accordance with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Earth Science

  • Weather and Climate
  • Earth’s Systems
  • Human Impacts

Life Science

  • Structure, Function and Information Processing
  • Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms

Physical Science

  • Energy

Engineering Design

  • Engineering Design


  1. Students must record all homework in their planner each day/week as the planners are important in communicating daily assignments. Expect to have homework/classwork on a daily (Mon-Thurs) basis, especially in math unless it's the day of a big unit test.
  2. All math homework will be recorded on an assignment sheet (point sheet) and kept in the student’s toolkit. (All homework must be done to be eligible to retake a test).
  3. Work must be shown in order to receive full credit on tests and homework.
  4. Assignments and tests should be done in pencil only!
  5. Homework will not be counted in the grade, but must be completed in order to retake tests. It is very important that all assignments are done thoroughly and completely, because all tests will reflect standards covered on the assignments.
  6. Quizzes or daily work will not be retaken.
  7. Toolkits may be checked and given a grade each trimester . Must be completed and on time for credit.

GRADING POLICY: Grading at Eich is new this year! There are no letter grades anymore! Check the RCSD website for more information.

*Beginning *Approaching (Standards not met)

*Proficient *Mastery (Standards Met)

Academic Content: (Tests, projects)

Learning Behaviors: Engagement (focused during instruction and projects) , Utilizes feedback and Resources (research, makes changes with suggestions), and Work Completion (homework)

*PowerSchool is the best way to keep up on your child’s progress in school. It is recommended that you check your child’s grades weekly along with your child.


Students will have opportunities to retake unit tests provided they have completed ALL homework assignments, submitted an online Test Retake form on my website, completed the test study guide, and original test corrections for that unit prior to the test. Retakes will be given approximately one week after the original test has been handed back for corrections and will be provided during lunch time or after school by appointment. The application to retest can be found on my website under “Test Retakes” and must be completed in order to retake a test. Tests must be completed within the same trimester of that specific unit.

Mid-Term Progress Reports: Check PowerSchool at any time! Don’t wait for Progress Reports to be sent home. However, I will send home a progress report via email or phone call for parents/guardians if your child’s grade is below 70% in math or science. This occurs 6 weeks into the new trimester. If you would like a conference at any time, please contact me. It is Eich recommendation that both a parent and student are present for conferences.

Trimester 1: Aug. 8 - Oct. 30 Trimester 2: Nov. 1 - Feb. 21 Trimester 3: Feb. 22 - May 28


Students are expected to follow all school rules – The Wildcat Way (Safe, Respectful, Responsible). This includes coming to class on time, being in your seat before the bell rings, and being fully prepared for class. In addition, students are expected to:

  • Show respect to others, which includes listening quietly while others are speaking.
  • Use appropriate language.
  • Be prepared for learning (Have all supplies out and ready each day).
  • Participate appropriately during group tasks.
  • Respect other people’s property.
  • No gum, food, or drinks other than water.

Failure to follow the above behavior expectations will result in the following consequences:

  1. Warning
  2. Classroom Detention
  3. Citation
  4. Office Referral

Wildcat Paws and other rewards can be earned for excellent behavior and exceeding student expectations. I often provide internal class incentives when we, as a class, can get the agenda of curriculum completed for the day.


If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to check for missed assignments and to turn them in for credit ASAP. Keep in mind that students need to turn in work that was due and assigned the day they were absent. These assignments can be located in the WHILE YOU WERE OUT crate. They are organized by date and there is one crate for math and another for science.


Parents and guardians are a valued member of the education team. We need to work as a team in order to provide the students with successful experiences in mathematics and science. Thank you for supporting your child’s learning in order to make this a successful and positive year at Eich. If you have questions please feel free to contact me at anytime via e-mail or telephone.

*Students: Be sure to see your teacher if you feel like you are falling behind or have a question with anything. It is very important that we have good communication and you seek help the moment you need it. I’d prefer you and I have the discussion because I want you to become comfortable talking to teachers as you enter middle and high school.

Student Name_______________________________ Math Period _______


***Return this page ONLY!!!***

Front AND Back

Please initial on each line acknowledging you have read this with your child

__________ Supplies brought to school by Tuesday, August 13th.

  1. 2 SINGLE SUBJECT spiral notebooks WITH a pocket in front
  2. 2 glue sticks (we use these daily, so more needed throughout the year)
  3. Dry erase markers (preferably black or dark colored)
  4. 2 Highlighters (different colors)
  5. Pencils
  6. School planner (Eich’s is available for $8 in the office)

Optional, but recommended:

  1. Whiteboard eraser (sock or felt is fine)
  2. Colored pencils

__________ Work can be turned in until the end of each trimester.


__________ Students are only eligible for test retakes if ALL homework

(Initial) assignments have been completed PRIOR to the test.

__________ Students must bring their own supplies to school daily – this

(Initial) includes pencils, white board markers and glue sticks.

__________ ALL work must have the proper heading in the TOP RIGHT CORNER and completed in PENCIL.


1) Name (First AND Last)

2) Period

3) Date

__________ Student grades can be viewed online through PowerSchool.

(Initial) I STRONGLY recommend subscribing to get grade updates.

__________ Daily homework assignments can be viewed online.

(Initial) ***I STRONGLY recommend bookmarking my website so you

can see the homework***


(Initial) Per Eich policy, if a student is issued a citation, after school

detention is served the next day. If a citation is given on

Friday, detention will be served the following Tuesday (no

detentions on Mondays).

From time to time, we will watch PG movies in class. Please indicate if you give your child permission to watch PG movies.

Please circle one: YES NO

Parent’s Signature ________________________________________________


Parent’s name _______________________________ Number__(____)____________

e-mail _____________________________________

Parent’s name _______________________________ Number__(____)____________

e-mail _____________________________________

Any additional information to share?

Strengths? Areas to improve? Strong subjects? Weaker subjects?





