The Well

What is the Well? 

The Well is a grant-funded project aimed at improving the overall wellness of Buljan Middle School. We are a partnership between Placer County Office of Education, Placer County Children's System of Care, and Roseville City School District. 


What is the purpose?

The Well staff works with teachers, school staff, families, and community agencies to provide a safe, supportive environment at school where students can go to discuss a variety of issues, such as depression, anxiety, grief, self-esteem, family life, identity, etc.

What services are offered?

We offer universal lessons/activities to all Buljan students to improve mental wellness, individual and group counseling services, family support, and linkage to community resources. We collaborate closely with all support and teaching staff at Buljan to provide targeted, high-quality interventions to students. 

How Do You Access the Well? 

At Buljan, students can request to go to Room 12 (during class) or just stop by (during free time) if they are having a rough day or need a safe place to go. Students can drop-in for brief support or receive ongoing services through individual and small group counseling, based on level of need. 

Families and students can request support for themselves OR their child through this Wellness Referral Form

Si socilita ayuda en Espanol  por  favor llene esta Forma.

Meet the Well Staff 

Kailauna Parker, BSW

Family and Youth Community Liaison


Office Phone: (916) 771-1720 Ext. 19133

Work Cell Phone: (916) 426-8349


Office: (916) 771-1720

Attendance: (916) 771-1725

8:00am - 4:00pm