Athletic Placement Process

Athletic Placement Process

East is proud to offer its scholars a wide of range of options for athletic involvement, including opportunities for those scholars in the 7th and 8th grade. We encourage the majority of our scholars in the lower school level to compete at the modified level, but we also recognize that there are a select few exceptional scholar-athletes with the athletic ability and sport specific skill to play at the junior varsity and varsity level. This is a coach driven process where coaches will invite those select few scholar-athletes that they are could have a major contribution in the contest (either start or be one of the first off the bench). In order for seventh and eighth graders to compete interscholastically at the high school level, these athletes must pass the Athletic Placement Process as mandated by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. It is very important to note that successful completion of the Athletic Placement Process simply allows the scholar-athlete to try out for the upper school team and does not guarantee him/her a spot on the final roster.

The Athletic Placement Process utilizes the President's Physical Fitness Test, and scholar-athletes will need to meet the 85th percentile level for their age in 4 out of 5 test components. This fitness test is designed to assess speed, agility, flexibility, upper body strength, and aerobic conditioning. Athletes will be given a few opportunities to pass specific parts of the test, so long as they are close enough to achieving the required score.

Parents are cautioned that even though their child may be physically ready, it does not mean that he/she will be emotionally or socially ready to handle the stress of upper school competition or the social interaction with older athletes. Although coaches at East place a high priority on assimilating all students into the team structure, this does not necessarily mean younger scholar-athletes are comfortable in this environment. If you or your son/daughter has any reservations about competing at the upper school level, then it is highly recommended that your son/daughter remain at the modified level.

The purpose of this statewide program is to determine the level of physical fitness scholars have when compared to those older athletes your son/daughter will be competing against at the upper school level. If your child is seeking to be a member of a junior varsity or varsity upper school team, he/she will need to complete every one of the steps outlined below. Please note, this program is designed for the exceptional athletes, the specific talent and conditioning level required will be well above the level of average athletes of a similar age.

The following steps must be completed in order for a 7th or 8th grader to try out at the upper school level:

  1. Sport Skill Evaluation: The Varsity coach for that particular sport will need to complete an evaluation of the scholar-athlete.
  2. Administrative Approval: The Athletic Director will assess the physical, emotional, social, and academic readiness of the scholar-athlete. Emphasis will be placed on the impact the increased demands of participation in upper school sports will place on the scholar's academic performance as well as the likelihood that he/she will be a starter or be a big contributor to the contest.
  3. Parent/Guardian Permission: All scholars who are to be evaluated must first obtain written parent/guardian permission, as provided below.
  4. Sports Clearance: A completed Interval Health History forms (Sports Triplicate) and a current Physical Exam must be submitted to the Nurses Office as well as their approval to participate in sports for the upcoming season.
  5. Medical Clearance: The Nurses Office will determine the scholar-athlete's physical maturity level and if it is appropriate for the scholar to compete at the higher level. The Nurses Office will compare the physical size of the scholar in relation to other scholars they will compete against.
  6. Physical Fitness Testing: The scholar-athlete will need to meet the 85th percentile level for their age in 4 out of 5 test components of the President's Physical Fitness Test. Please contact the Athletic Director's office to schedule this test once steps 1-5 have been completed. The test can be seen below.
  7. Qualification Determination: The results of the three evaluations (medical, sport skill, and physical fitness) will be evaluated by the Athletic Director for final approval. Only scholars who have successfully completed all aspects of the Athletic Placement Process will be allowed to participate in upper school tryouts.

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