The Rochester City School District Student Leadership Congress (SLC) is a body of student leaders representing their respective high schools and serves as the voice of students to the Superintendent, Board of Education, District Administration, and Community Leaders. Participating members offer their perspectives on education policies, school climate and inform their administrators about relevant citywide school issues.

SLC is the primary vehicle for student voice and youth engagement across Rochester Schools. SLC plays a key role in advising the Board of Education, working with the building administrators on student climate issues, and informing students of their rights and responsibilities under district rules. Every RCSD High School should have at least 2 student on the SLC.

Mission Statement

The Rochester City School District Student Leadership Congress develops leaders, who positively impact our schools and communities. The SLC is the voice which empowers the student body to express their opinions and ideas regarding educational services and ensures that students are included in decision and policy making that impacts their lives and educational experiences.


SLC members from the Rochester City School District provide positive leadership, powerful voice, and outstanding service to the Rochester City School District and Community. They work with the student body, district administration, the Board of Education, and the Rochester community to foster positive social and academic outcomes for RCSD students.