Balance With Blended Learning

Balance with Blended Learning:
Partner with Your Students to Reimagine Learning and Reclaim Your Life by Catlin Tucker

Our Book Club Explained Balance with Blended Learning

Let's make our Book Club fun!

We want these discussions to be engaging! We do not all have to post our thoughts in written form alone. That could get tedious quickly and we definitely do not want that. Who said learning has to boring? There are many ways to reflect and show your thinking/learning- write, create, draw, video, etc.

Please make sure you read through some of our extension ideas. This is in no way an exhaustive list. Have other ideas? Please go for it! We will add ideas to this list as we find them.

Our hope is not only to make our Book Club discussions more interesting for everyone, but also to give you some ideas you can use in your own practice.

RCSD Reads Extension ideas
RCSD Reads Discussion Expectations & Etiquette

Discussion Expectations Etiquette

We all want to enjoy learning, but just like with our schools and classrooms, there must be some basic goals, expectations and ground rules.

This Book Club has been broken up into sections as you see on the schedule. You will notice that there are several discussion prompts for each section. You will not have to participate in each one, in fact we prefer if you do not! We ask you to choose the one (or two if you really feel strongly about it) that speak to you, challenge you, or you think will make the most difference in your practice.

Copy of Personal Record/Book Recommendation Slide

We are looking for people make meaningful contributions to the discussions they have chosen to participate in to have true discussions. True discussions are back and forth, not one and done; we are not looking for people to post once or limited on each discussion board.

After you have read the chapters for each section of this Book Club and participated in the discussion, we would like you to write a brief personal reflection. You will write these all on one Google Doc and then submit at the end of each section.

Agenda RCSD Reads Book Club Session

RCSD Reads Agenda - Balance with Blended Learning