RCSD Reads

Have you always wanted to join a book club, but could never find the time for the meetings? Are there too many books in your “to read someday” pile? Have you ever tried to coordinate a book circle across multiple schools/work locations and found it to be too hard with everyone's schedules?

We have the solution!

The Instructional Technology Department has started to offer an online book club where everyone in the district is invited to participate! We are modeling it after a few popular Book Club programs. This means that any staff from any work location is invited! Why include everyone? There are so many unique ideas and perspectives out there and we know we all have something valuable to offer through collegial discussions. Let’s all learn from and share with one another!

We started with one book in the Fall of 2018 and it was so well received that a few other departments joined in the fun! We hope to continue to find educationally sound and challenging books to engage with RCSD staff!
