Niki Pettit

First Elected/Appointed: 2021

Term Expires: 2025

Trainings: OMA, PDLT


Phone: 217-893-5400

Professional and Educational Experience: I have my B.S. in accounting from DeVry University. I am the finance chair for the First United Methodist Church. I am a member of the Social Equity Working Group. I also volunteer at my children's grade school whenever I am able.

Relationship to RCS: I currently have two children in the RCS school district, and I also received my education from the RCS school district. I am a former employee of RCS Central Office. I am a former substitute teacher of the RCS school district, worked for a non-for-profit group called SOAR which was located at Eater, and my father was on the RCS School Board for many years when I was younger.

Personal Statement: I am on the board because I am a supporter of education. I am passionate about being involved in the school system and seeing the advancement of my community. One of my main goals is for Rantoul to come together as a community to foster growth and development within the public school system.