High Quality Work Based Learning begins early in Radford City Schools as we begin STEM + C instruction in Preschool. With a focus on citizenship, independence, exploration, and integrated curriculum our students practice the 5 C's on a regular basis.

How does the vision for STEM education align with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate?

The Virginia Department of Education has aligned the vision for STEM education with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate. The Profile describes the knowledge, skills, experiences, and attributes that students must attain to be successful in college and/or the work force and to be life-ready in an economy and a world characterized by rapid change. Knowing facts and figures is not enough to prepare students for tomorrow’s future. Today’s economy requires people to be critical and creative thinkers, excellent communicators, collaborators and community-minded citizens. Developing well-rounded and prepared graduates starts early and must be a part of the learning environment in kindergarten through high school. The Virginia Department of Education will ensure that these vital skills are part of every student’s education.