Cyber Security
Web sites
I only visit web sites my parents or teachers have approved (Safe Side Adults)
I recognize web site advertisement and I do not click on it.
I recognize pop ups and I know how to close them without engaging them.
If something doesn't seem right or makes me feel uncomfortable I talk to a safe side adult. (parent, teacher)
I use kind words when I collaborate with classmates on computer documents or projects
I will not share personal information or pictures on line
1. Stay on the Safe Side- Always check with a Safe Side Adult
Who are your "Safe Side Adults"? Who are people you "Kinda Know"? Who are people you "Don't know"?
Watch this Video and then make a list with your class of people who are your Safe Side Adults, Kinda Knows, and Don't knows.
Google Slide - you will be prompted to make a copy of the file
2. The internet is like a knife. Very useful but it can cut you if you are not careful.
UYN= Use Your Netsmartz
There are also people on the internet that are "Kinda Knows" and "Don't knows".
Never "friend" someone who is a "Don't Know".
Always check with your "Safe Side Adult" before you chat or become "friends" with someone on line.
Watch this video and talk about when you should talk to your Safe Side Adult.
Who is "Look at this Louis", "Wanna know Wally" and "Meet Me Mac."
3. WATCH OUT FOR "TRICKSTERS" They can be on the internet as well.
5. Digital Footprint
Be Safe, Responsible and Respectful when sharing online.
6. Pop ups
Look for little X in the top right corner to get away from the pop up.
Never click on the BIG button
Google Slide Activity - you will be prompted to make a copy
7. Download-
VIRUS can make your computer "sick" - Your computer will stop working right.
If your computer gets a virus it can spread to your friends and family's computers.
Never Download alone!
8. Upload or posting- Never upload or post pictures of yourself
9. Digital Ethics - What is it?
10. Bad Netiquette Stinks
Be a Terrific Kids online too!
10. Cyber Bully
Ignore it-- Don't respond
Tell your Safe Side Adult
October is Cyber Security Month